International Organizational Relationships

ICMA maintains mutually beneficial relationships with local government organizations around the world in pursuit of ICMA’s goals of promoting good governance and its vision of creating thriving communities worldwide.

In maintaining these relationships, ICMA and the local government organizations seek to foster global exchange, expand organizational networks, create opportunities for peer-to-peer or city-to-city exchanges, and create globally applicable professional development opportunities and resources.

Relationships by Country
AUSTRALIA Local Government Professionals Australia, New South Wales (LGPA NSW)
BANGLADESH Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB)
CANADA Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario
CANADA Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA)
CZECH REPUBLIC Association of City Managers of the Czech Republic (STMOÚ)
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU)
ESWATINI Local Authorities Managers Association of Swaziland (Eswatini) (LAMAS)
GEORGIA National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG)
HONDURAS Honduran Municipal Association (AMHON)
INDIA City Managers' Association of Karnataka (CMAK)
INDIA City Managers' Association of Rajasthan (CMAR)
INDIA City Managers' Association, Gujarat (CMAG)
INDIA Urban Management Centre
INDONESIA Indonesia Municipalities (APEKSI)
IRELAND County and City Managers' Association of Ireland (CCMA)
ISRAEL Federation of Local Authorities in Israel
KENYA Association of County Governments of Kenya (ACGOK)
NEPAL Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN)
PALESTINE Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA)
PANAMA Municipalities Association of Panama (AMUPA)
PHILIPPINES League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP)
POLAND National Council of LGU Secretaries Forum/ Foundation in Support of Local Democracy (FRDL)
ROMANIA The Association of Public Administrators in Romania (AAPRO)
SLOVAKIA Slovak City Managers Association (SCMA)
SOUTH AFRICA Institute for Local Government Management of South Africa (iLGM)
SOUTH AFRICA South African Local Government Association (SALGA)
SRI LANKA Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities (FSLGA)
SWEDEN Association of Swedish City Managers (Svenska Kommundirektorsforeningen)
TANZANIA Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (ALAT)
UKRAINE Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC)
UKRAINE Association OTG
UNITED KINGDOM Society of Local Authority Chief Executives & Senior Managers (SOLACE)
VIETNAM Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN)
ZAMBIA Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ)
Multinational Relationships
COSTA RICA Confederation of Municipalities of Central America and the Caribbean (CAMCAYCA)
ECUADOR Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Latin America (FLACMA)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Environmental Center for Arab Towns (ECAT)