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Field Demonstration

Urban Living in the Gulch

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 12:15 PMSold Out

The Gulch is a dynamic, mixed-use LEED-certified community in the heart of Nashville. The neighborhood was the first LEED ND neighborhood in the South. The project has a strong focus on connectivity, walkability, and public transportation. Located on the southwest border of Nashville’s Central Business District, the vibrant urban development and redevelopment area is home to the best urban living, office, retail, restaurants, entertainment venues, and hospitality venues. The bus trip takes 10 minutes. $25

Williamson County Emergency Operations and Public Safety Cooperation

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This field demonstration features Williamson County’s new emergency operations center, which is designed to withstand the force of an F-5 tornado. In an extreme disaster, the center can be a self-sustaining facility for the entire county. Speakers will also discuss the county’s new $20-million-plus public safety radio system. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $25

Historic Preservation in East Nashville

Monday, October 21 12:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Creating and managing local historic districts—both historic and conservation zoning overlays—can be challenging and rewarding in a rapidly growing city facing increased development pressures. This demonstration will feature the local historic district in East Nashville. Participants will learn about some of the most challenging cases that have arisen as the neighborhood seeks to balance preservation and progress. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $25

Reclaiming History: The Battle of Franklin

Monday, October 21 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM

The city of Franklin has made a point of recapturing key portions of the Civil War’s Battle of Franklin, which took place on November 30, 1864. This small community of 900 people saw more than 10,000 causalities during the battle. Over time, the site was built over and mostly forgotten. Fifteen years ago, the city, local preservation groups, and the American Battlefield Trust banded together to reclaim and restore key sites. The bus trip takes 30 minutes. $25

Franklin Main Street

Tuesday, October 22 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM

The city of Franklin has a lovingly preserved downtown that serves as both an economic hub and the community’s gathering place. Franklin’s downtown has been recognized by organizations such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the American Planning Association. Publications ranging from the New York Times to Rolling Stone have featured the city. The bus trip takes 30 minutes. $25

Waste to Fertilizer: BioSolids Treatment Plant

Tuesday, October 22 12:45 PM - 3:15 PMSold Out

The city of Nashville has adopted an environmental solution for solid disposal and a biosolid process that converts waste, producing high-grade reusable fertilizer pellets. Our hosts will also discuss how they capture gas and use it for running their plant. The bus trip takes 15 minutes. $25