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International Development Academy Part 1 - Friday

Friday, October 18 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Are you looking for ways to make a contribution beyond the boundaries of your community? Learn how your knowledge and experience can be applied to working with local governments around the world to strengthen their capacity to promote transparent, efficient, and sustainable governance practices. Led by ICMA staff and ICMA members who have extensive international development experience, this intensive one-and-a-half-day workshop will help you understand how you can use your skills to address the challenges faced by governments to deliver services, promote economic development, create sustainable growth, and improve the quality of life for citizens around the world.
The session will showcase ICMA’s global portfolio as well as examine the trends and expectations of the donor community and the local governments and other entities we support. ICMA members who have made the transition to international work will discuss what is needed to be prepared. For further information, contact Harleen Kovela at hkovela@icma.org.

Registration Desk - Saturday

Saturday, October 19 7:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Delivering Great Results from Your Vision and Strategic Plan

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Organizational excellence requires that managers focus both on delivering results from their vision and strategic plan and on developing the culture of their organizations. This session will focus on creating results from your vision by focusing on work to understand and delight your customers, cascading your vision and strategic plan throughout the organization, maximizing individual and team performance, and utilizing transformational performance measures to lead your organization toward excellence. Practice Groups: 4, 6

Facilitator: Jeff Parks, President, Performance Breakthroughs, Woodbridge, VA

False Precision: Why 73% of the Data You Use to Make Decisions Is Misleading and Misinterpreted … and How You Can Detect It and Fight Back

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

We are deluged with data; even simple decisions require mountains of information. Much of it is helpful, providing needed context for complex issues, and 94.7% is accurate. But we too rarely step back and ask if the data is truly relevant and responds to the questions being asked, even if we sense that something isn’t quite right. And so we are regularly and unknowingly misled and misdirected by our misunderstanding and misuse of data. Using numerous examples from communities like yours, we’ll try to find insights into how to better question, detect, and challenge “bad data” and provide policymakers with the information they really need to formulate policy choices. Topics may include census data, budgeting, revenue calculation, transportation analyses, income distribution, homelessness and poverty, development fees, housing prices, performance metrics, false precision, how polling works and when it doesn’t, how data graphs can be accidentally or purposely misleading, the endless collection of “best of” lists and why they’re almost always meaningless, a bit of fun with probability and statistics (no math needed here, just some curiosity), and a look at a wide variety of news articles that rely on seemingly precise numbers. Attendees are encouraged to bring examples from their communities to this very interactive session, where together we’ll puzzle out the ways that seemingly accurate data can still be so misleading. Oh … and if you didn’t immediately recognize the two percentages noted above as examples of our problem, this class is for you. Practice Groups: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9

Facilitator: Matt Appelbaum, Former Council Member and Mayor, City of Boulder, CO; current member of the ICLEI, Boulder, CO

From Sleepy to Chic: Making Main Street Cool

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

This workshop is a case study of how Berlin, Maryland, transitioned from a sleepy community to a tourist destination using partnerships with local businesses, government agencies, and civic leaders. The town leveraged its successful Main Street program and partnered with Worcester County’s Department of Tourism to be voted America’s Coolest Small Town in 2014, becoming an overnight success that was 30 years in the making. Berlin used the key elements of placemaking to transform its community. The audience will develop a checklist of steps to take to create a strong sense of place, so you can too. Practice Group: 2

Facilitator: Laura Allen, Budget Analyst 3, Department of Budget and Management, Baltimore , MD

How Many Police Officers and Fire Fighters Do You Really Need?

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Building upon their highly successful past workshops on "Asking Your Police and Fire Chiefs the Right Questions" the Center for Public Safety Management team will discuss data driven ways to determine staffing as well as alternative strategies to meet needs staffing needs, especially in light of the current difficulties in finding quality candidates.

Facilitator: Leonard Matarese, Managing Partner, Center For Public Safety Management, LLC, Washington,DC, Buffalo, NY

International Development Academy Part 2 - Saturday

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Are you looking for ways to make a contribution beyond the boundaries of your community? Learn how your knowledge and experience can be applied to working with local governments around the world to strengthen their capacity to promote transparent, efficient, and sustainable governance practices. Led by ICMA staff and ICMA members who have extensive international development experience, this intensive one-and-a-half-day workshop will help you understand how you can use your skills to address the challenges faced by governments to deliver services, promote economic development, create sustainable growth, and improve the quality of life for citizens around the world.
The session will showcase ICMA’s global portfolio as well as examine the trends and expectations of the donor community and the local governments and other entities we support. ICMA members who have made the transition to international work will discuss what is needed to be prepared. For further information, contact Harleen Kovela at hkovela@icma.org.

Local Government Management Fellows Orientation

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Facilitator: Mary Furtado, County Manager, County of Catawba, Newton, NC

Local Government Run Social Media and Online Technologies: Tools for Proactively Building Strategic and Creative Citizen Engagement

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Negativity, rumor, fake news, misrepresented real news, personal attacks, and viral messaging spread what feels like a virus around the goodwill that local governments are trying to show through their communications. The dangers of unmanaged electronic conversations can be mitigated. Embracing effective communication strategies for social media and creating online engagement platforms can effectively promote transparency, collaboration, interaction, and broader participation. In this session, participants will learn about and experience effective use of words, images, and videos for both social media communications and online engagement. These new strategies will aid organizations in moving toward the positive outcomes many yearn for, such as broadening reach and increasing diversity of participation while mitigating the legal, ethical, professional, and personal vulnerability associated with extreme openness. Practice Groups: 6, 14

Facilitator: Thomas Bryer, Professor, University of Central Florida, Davenport, FL
Facilitator: Sarah Stoeckel, City Council Member , City of Titusville, Orlando, FL

Six Ways to Engineer Employee Engagement

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

According to the latest Gallup report on government workers' engagement, a median of only 29 percent of them are engaged at work. Disengaged employees stay for what they get from the organization. Engaged workers stay for what they can give. While high employee engagement doesn’t guarantee high organizational performance, there is a strong linkage: an engaged workforce increases innovation, productivity and overall effectiveness. In this session, six actions are shared that organizational leaders can implement immediately to improve employee engagement.  

Learning Objectives:
•How to (re)create a healthy workplace culture of personal responsibility.
•How to modernize the approach to recruitment and selection and overall, improve the candidate experience.
•How to provide learning and development opportunities to strengthen the internal bench.
Practice Groups: 4 and 6

Facilitator: Patrick Ibarra, Co-Founder and Partner, The Mejorando Group, Cumberland Center, ME

The Value of a Good Story

Saturday, October 19 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The presenter, a credentialed manager with more than forty years of city management experience, learned some of his most valuable career lessons from stories told and retold over the years by his mentors and colleagues in the municipal management profession—sometimes in conference sessions and as often as not during evening gatherings in the hotel lounge. Using as a prompt two case studies he has co-authored for ICMA texts and relying on interaction and feedback from workshop participants, the presenter leads participants in an exploration of ethical leadership principles and related management skills. Practice Groups: 1, 8, 14  

Facilitator: William Bridgeo, Augusta, ME

ICMA University & League of Women in Government Symposium

Saturday, October 19 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM

The 4th Annual Symposium will feature Risha Grant, who is diversity personified! From her race, gender, and lifestyle choices, to being a young small-business owner, every area of her life exemplifies diversity. She is the founder of an award-winning diversity consulting and communications firm, as well as the creator of DiversityConneX.com, a successful online recruitment tool. Her interactive workshop will teach attendees how to reduce bias in their own organizations and increase their understanding of true diversity and inclusion through the elimination of B.S . . . Bias Synapse! $25. 3

Speaker: Risha Grant, Founder & CEO , Risha Grant, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Speaker: Nicole Lance, CEO, Lance Strategies, Phoenix, AZ
Speaker: Angelica Wedell, Director of Marketing and Communications, Polco, Boulder, CO

How to Lead Like a Coach

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

There are times when a few highly productive people know how to successfully complete projects on their own or with a few coworkers, and not include the rest of the team along the way. This type of leadership can leave other coworkers feeling left out, ignored, or even frustrated with their jobs. In this workshop we will motivate attendees to sharpen the existing leadership tools in their personal toolbox as well as look within themselves to find existing leadership traits they may not have known were in their “toolbox of life.” We will discuss real life examples of what has worked and what has not worked when operating as a team, and we will examine successful strategies and best practices of leadership, coaching team building, and coworker inclusion. Practice groups: 4, 5, 13 

Facilitator: LaTonya Pegues, CEO, BOAZ Enterprises, Austin, TX, Austin, TX

Leading Together: A New Model for Governing and Managing Your Community

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Learn how an integrated strategic planning system, internationally recognized board governance model, and the innovative Budget Based Option System can improve community governance and management. Participants will learn how to use these tools to jointly set result-oriented management priorities and outcomes between the elected board and the manager. This is a “hands on” interactive session taught by a current elected official and former city manager who consult nationally with clients that have successfully implemented the integrated strategic management system and the tools that support its effectiveness. Participants will learn how these tools work and have opportunities to discuss in small groups how they might be used in their communities. Practice Group: 6 

Facilitator: Michael Letcher, Senior Vice President, The Mercer Group, Tucson, AZ
Facilitator: Michael Letcher, Senior Vice President, The Mercer Group, Tucson, AZ
Facilitator: Bill Stipp, The Mercer Group, Inc., Tucson, AZ
Facilitator: Bill Stipp, The Mercer Group, Inc., Tucson, AZ

Moving from Success to Significance

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

We all know that happiness is not about money or fame. It is about living a purpose-driven life. Imagine a world in which we all lived out our purpose. Most of us do not realize that we are unique and can impact the world in a way no one else can. Learn to unleash this potential in you, your agency, and in others. Turn your career into a calling and inspire others to do the same. Practice Group: 5 

Facilitator: Robert Dayton, Santa Barbara, CA

Organizational Culture: Is There a Secret Recipe?

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Organization-wide collaboration, information sharing, and the development of shared goals require trust among employees at all levels. But how do we encourage and cultivate this trust in an environment where it is lacking? Are you struggling with organizational silos and poor communication between departments? Do you have a sense of your organization’s culture? This workshop will hone the ambiguous concept of organizational culture. Program participants will learn about culture assessment tools and engage in small-group discussions focused on moving your organization to higher performance through culture change. We assess our systems and processes, why not our culture? In this workshop, we will explore how to ignite and lead culture change in our organizations, creating an environment of trust, cooperation, and purpose. Practice Groups: 4, 6

Facilitator: Brian Bosshardt, County Manager, County of Clear Creek, Georgetown, CO
Facilitator: Brian Bosshardt, County Manager, County of Clear Creek, Georgetown, CO

Tackling Wicked Problems in Local Communities: Building Capacity for Deliberative Engagement

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

This workshop is focused on building local capacity to engage difficult issues more collaboratively and productively through the use of deliberative engagement processes. Deliberative engagement involves interactive, often facilitated, small-group discussions utilizing materials and processes designed to spark collaborative learning rather than merely the collection of individual opinions. We will examine the concept of “wicked problems” as a framework to better understand difficult issues and then review recent research on social psychology to help explain why traditional engagement processes are often counterproductive to supporting the high-quality communication required by democracy and wicked problems. The workshop will then review the key components of deliberative engagement and explore a variety of tools and techniques drawn from several dialogue and deliberation traditions. Practice Group: 2 

Facilitator: Martin Carcasson, Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

The Tools of Good Governance: What Every Manager Needs to Know

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Every municipal manager wants to be judged as successful by his or her council and feel within themselves that their career has been one of effective service. This workshop will provide you with tools for effective management and better governance. The session will include some of George Cuff’s helpful suggestions and wisdom on the importance of effective council meetings, use of policies, use of protocols, proper agenda building, better use of management meetings, mayor-manager briefings, and other topics. The session will also draw a few examples from Cuff’s immensely popular sessions on “Fatal Flaws” in terms of what does not go well. The presenter has a well-deserved North American reputation as a governance and senior management expert on the principles that undergird an effective, healthy relationship. He has served as both a mayor and a municipal manager and has written extensively on topics relevant to both. Practice Groups: 1, 2, 5, 7, 6, 9 

Facilitator: George Cuff, Consultant, George B Cuff& Associates Ltd., Spruce Grove, AB, CANADA

We’ve Always Done It That Way Is Over: Transforming from the Status Quo to the Status Go

Saturday, October 19 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Government organizations are often encouraged to institutionalize best practices, freeze them into place, focus on execution, stick to their knitting, increase predictability, and get processes under control. However, today governments face a radically shifting context for the workforce, the workplace, and the world of community building. To move forward toward better government, leaders must be vigilant and disrupt the fossilized mental model of “we’ve always done it that way” and replace it with a forward-looking approach to continuous improvement and transform their workplace culture from the status quo to the Status Go!  Healthy cultures lift people up, expand the capacity of the workforce to execute new challenges, and, overall, enhance the organization’s performance.

Facilitator: Patrick Ibarra, Co-Founder and Partner, The Mejorando Group, Cumberland Center, ME

Shaanxi Land Group-Strategic Planning Meeting

Saturday, October 19 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Musicians Hall of Fame & Museum

Saturday, October 19 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Experience the only museum that honors the musicians that played on the greatest recordings of all time. From Hendrix to Hank and L.A. to Motown, interactive exhibits include the Stax Recording Studio, Muscle Shoals as well as the Nashville influence. Catch up with colleagues and enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres while exploring the museum and its many exciting exhibits. Adults, $35; youth ages 6–18, $30; under 6 free. Price includes light hors d’oeuvres, a drink ticket, entertainment, coordination, gratuities, and admission to the museum. Visit the Host Desk in the convention center before the party for restaurant information and dinner reservations.

5K Run/Walk

Sunday, October 20 7:15 AM - 10:45 AM

Enjoy a Sunday morning in October running or walking on the regionally-recognized path along the Little Harpeth River in suburban Brentwood. Runners and walkers of all levels are invited to participate. $35. Ticket price includes race registration, awards, race shirt, and transportation.

Friends of Bill W.

Sunday, October 20 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Monday, October 21 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Tuesday, October 22 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Wednesday, October 23 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM


Sunday, October 20 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM

A new event in 2019, spend several hours on Sunday morning in Radnor Lake State Park, a 1,368-acre Class II Natural Area located only seven miles from downtown Nashville. Six miles of easy and moderately strenuous trails are available for self-directed hikes or walks in the hills and/or around the lake. Experience outdoor Tennessee in a unique urban setting. $25. Ticket price includes transportation and refreshments.

Registration Desk - Sunday

Sunday, October 20 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Advisory Board on Graduate Education

Sunday, October 20 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

University of Kansas Seminar for MPA Students

Sunday, October 20 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday, October 21 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Tuesday, October 22 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Awards Evaluation Panel

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Building Brands and Creating Cultures of Authentic Servant Leadership

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Your investment in the culture and environment where your teams spend more waking hours than they do at home with their families is your most valuable contribution as a servant leader. If you don’t have the right brand, both externally and internally, you won’t attract the right people. If you don’t have the right people, or people with the right priorities, you can’t create or sustain a thriving culture. Branding and culture, particularly for public-serving organizations and people-serving leaders, are interdependent. In today’s highly competitive market for talent, your brand and your culture are critical to your organization’s ability to thrive. This is not a “should” session, it is a “how” session. Attendees will leave with concrete ways to use the talent within their organizations to pursue a grassroots brand transformation that will orient the culture toward servant leadership. Practice Groups: 4, 13

Facilitator: Stacy Schweikhart, Director of Strategy & Engagement, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Dayton, OH

Deputy and Assistant Advisory Board

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Design Thinking

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

How does design influence engagement, culture, and innovation? Design Thinking focuses on developing a deep understanding of the customer experience and of how customers interact with your service or product. Use Design Thinking principles to breathe life back into customer engagement. Learn how others have created innovative services using a Design Thinking process, and participate in a hands-on activity that demonstrates that process. Practice Groups: 4, 6

Facilitator: Pamela Antil, City Manager, City of Encinitas, Encinitas, CA
Facilitator: Kathryn Lang, San Jose, CA

Governmental Affairs and Policy Committee

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

ICMA Annual Leadership Institute

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The ICMA Annual Leadership Institute provides an opportunity to connect members across generations and experience levels who share an interest in and commitment to leadership development. The institute requires a separate registration fee of $195.
Monuments: History, Politics, Art?
This workshop will discuss the function and role of monuments in our communities. Based on their functions, what is the appropriate treatment of controversial monuments and where do they belong? These conversations and decisions have major implications for processes within local governments, and they can be quite politically charged. What is the city administrator’s role in this passionate mix? Practice Groups: 8, 14

Facilitator: John Nalbandian, Professor Emeritus Public Administration, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Facilitator: Shannon Portillo, Director, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, Downtown Phoenix Campus, Phoenix, AZ
Facilitator: Eric Stuckey, City Administrator, City of Franklin, Franklin, TN

International Committee (Invitation Only)

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The ICMA International Committee serves as the primary advisory committee on international issues to the ICMA Executive Board, helping them to implement the board's policy on international activities. International Committee members and  friends and alumni of the committee come together at the ICMA Annual Conference to report on past years activities and discuss upcoming international opportunities for ICMA members, and strategic efforts to engage with our international partners.

Leading through Conflict to Shared Victory

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

You can’t lead an organization without leading its people. How are you leading your employees? How are you leading your executive team? How is your executive team leading the organization?
  • Gain strategies for attacking the root causes of organizational politics, operational confusion, siloed mentalities, and dysfunctional office politics.
  • Practice techniques for navigating conflict with others and nurturing an environment that welcomes healthy, respectful debate. Reimagine the power of clarifying priorities, crystalizing values, and cascading communication to lead your people so they begin rowing together in the same direction.
This workshop will introduce best practices in executive leadership, communication, and team building; provide you with an opportunity to practice new skills; and send you back to your home jurisdiction with a new strategy for success. Practice Group: 6

Facilitator: Michelle Poché Flaherty, Assistant City Manager, City of Redwood City, Redwood City, CA

Shaping the Culture of Your Organization

Sunday, October 20 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMSold Out

This workshop will focus on shaping a positive culture in your organization by bringing your values to life (contributing to the health and overall culture) through enhancing the work of leadership by everyone in the organization, becoming an engaging organization, and strengthening the probability of successful implementation by applying the concepts of change management. Practice Groups: 4, 6

Facilitator: Jeff Parks, President, Performance Breakthroughs, Woodbridge, VA

NACA Executive Board

Sunday, October 20 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Research and Content Editorial Advisory Board

Sunday, October 20 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Welcome to Music City!

Sunday, October 20 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

BYU Alumni & Friends

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Digital Strategies Advisory Board

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

ICMA Research Symposium for Pracademics and Students

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 2:45 PM

2019 ICMA Research Symposium for Pracademics and Students

Sunday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. – 2:45 p.m
Join academics, practitioners, and managers who teach (or pracademics) for research presentations in this mini-conference-in-a-conference on Sunday. Listen to current research, offer input for student and faculty pitches, offer input on research needs in the profession, and generally get studious.

Tactical Urbanism: Transforming Public Spaces through Low-Cost Temporary Changes
Pop-up demonstration or “tactical urbanism” projects provide low-cost, temporary changes that can transform public spaces to vibrant, activity-oriented destinations and calm traffic. Learn eight ”success targets” of a participatory planning framework that can achieve community pride, safer streets, economic revitalization, and creative-placemaking benefits.

Marcia S. Scott, Policy Scientist, University of Delaware Institute for Public Administration
The Cordoba Leadership Principles
Leadership principles and concepts are central to the success of any organization. How did Medieval Cordoba, Spain
have peace for 300 years considering its diversity? Leading in a diverse community.
Abraham Benavides, University of North Texas
Local Government Compensation: Current Issues
This presentation shares finding from recent research exploring local government compensation practices.
Additionally, we highlight strategies for improving local compensation practices.
Rex L. Facer II, Romney Institute of Public Service & Ethics, Brigham Young University

Employee-Centered Process Re-Engineering
To equip local government managers to improve organizational processes, this session will present a model of
employee-centered process re-engineering that uses employees to (1) identifies process issues at the ground level; (2) re-design and implement processes; (3) establishes feedback loops for evaluating and tweaking process improvements. The session will review the theory and evidence behind process engineering and the employee dynamics that can make or break its success.

Leisha DeHart-Davis, Kimberly Nelson, and Shannon Tufts, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Participatory Budgeting and Civic Engagement

In this presentation, we will present on the Durham, North Carolina Participatory Budgeting Program, focusing on the ways in which the process can increase civic engagement, particularly among populations which previously have been under-represented.

Christopher Paul, Nicole Diggs, North Carolina Central University
What do Citizens Think About Participatory Budgeting?
Focus groups of citizens in three Kenyan counties explored whether participants in county budgeting forums felt
they influenced county budgets, what information they used to prepare for participation, and whether they thought about both project spending and revenues to pay for them.
Kurt Thurmaier, Frankline Muthomi, Northern Illinois University

Bought In? Does the Support of Some Internal Stakeholder Groups Matter More than Others to Strategic Implementation Success?
Stakeholder support is vital for strategic initiatives not only during planning but implementation. Which
stakeholders are most vital to implementation success? An examination of 200 municipal strategic initiatives provides the first answers.

David Mitchell, University of Central Florida
How are cities responding to fiscal stress? Evidence from the 2017 Alternative Service Delivery Survey
Economy, demography and state policy act as stressors for local governments, but how do managers respond?
Using the most recent Alternative Service Delivery survey, we show that managers employ “pragmatic municipalism” by balancing community needs within their fiscally constrained environment.
Austin Aldag, Mildred Warner, Yunji Kim, Cornell University & University of Wisconsin: Madison
The Recycling Crisis-- How Can Local Governments Respond?
The global recycling crisis gives local governments an opportunity to invert the waste management paradigm by
encouraging behavioral change of consumers and corporations through innovative regulations, education and economic development.

Cindy Ye (Presenter), Molly Conlin, Erin Fenton, Rhea Lopes, Carlos Mesa Guerra, Lucas Raley, Khyati Rathore,
Prakriti Shukla, Sanjana Sidhra, Franco Uribe-Rheinbolt, Zhuojun Wang, Cornell University

Speaker: Austin Aldag, Student , Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Speaker: Abraham Benavides, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX
Speaker: Leisha DeHart-Davis, Professor, University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, Durham, NC
Speaker: S. Nicole Diggs, Assistant Professor, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
Speaker: Rex Facer, Spanish Fork, UT
Speaker: Yunji Kim, Student, Cornell University, Madison, WI
Speaker: David Mitchell, MPA Director and Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Speaker: Frankline Muthomi, PhD Student, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Speaker: Kimberly Nelson, Professor, University of Chapel Hill - School of Government, Chapel Hill, NC
Speaker: Christopher Paul, Student Chapter Faculty Advisor, Durham, NC
Speaker: Marcia Scott, Senior Fellow, University of Delaware, Dagsboro, DE
Speaker: Kurt Thurmaier, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Speaker: Mildred Warner, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Speaker: Cindy Ye, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

ICMA-RC Overview: Understanding Your Retirement Options

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMSold Out

For ICMA-RC participants who want to examine the nuts and bolts of the investment options available in their retirement plan. Topics will include in-depth information about target date and target risk funds, managed accounts, the stable value fund, and the Retirement Income Advantage fund. In addition, the full suite of financial planning services offered to ICMA-RC participants will be covered. This workshop is offered through the generous support of ICMA’s Strategic Partner ICMA-RC. There is no fee. Practice Group 5

Speaker: Kevin Monds, Director, Client Portfolio Manager, MissionSquare Retirement, Washington, DC
Speaker: Steven Taylor, Senior Financial Planner, Guided Pathways, MissionSquare Retirement, Washington, DC

Recruitment Guidelines Handbook Task Force

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Speed Coaching: Coach

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 11:45 AMSold Out

This event is free but requires preregistration. Speed Coaching is back in Nashville! Have career questions and want to get or give a different perspective? Attend Speed Coaching on Sunday morning. Registration is complimentary for this high-energy coaching and networking event. We’re also seeking coaches!

Sustainable Communities Advisory Committee

Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Performance Management Advisory Committee

Sunday, October 20 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Welcome Ambassadors Committee

Sunday, October 20 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Installation Command Fellows

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 2:45 PM

Speaker: Kate Newman, Deputy County Manager, County of Jefferson, Littleton, CO

Midwest Regional Meeting

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Mountain Plains Regional Meeting

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Northeast Regional Meeting

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Southeast Regional Meeting

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

West Coast Regional Meeting

Sunday, October 20 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

City Management, Performance Evidence, and the “New Will”: Reducing Poverty, Inequality, and Racial Injustice Fifty Years after the Kerner Commission

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson’s National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, known as the Kerner Commission, concluded that urban America had made little progress in reducing poverty, inequality, and racial injustice. In its Fifty-Year Update of the Kerner Commission report, published in 2018, the Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation concluded that the nation still had made little progress but had at least learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t work. In this forum, the foundation will review the evidence on urban economic, education, criminal justice, housing, and neighborhood policies that work. Local government managers will be challenged to identify evidence-based programs in their localities and to create what the Kerner Commission called the “new will” necessary to scale up success. One goal will be to begin to overcome the present deep divisions in American society. 3.

Speaker: Alan Curtis, President and CEO , Eisenhower Foundation , Washington, DC
Speaker: Gregory Squires, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Public Policy & Public Administration, George Washington University, Washington, DC

How to Engage Residents in Sustainability Initiatives

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Do you have great sustainability initiatives, but low participation in them? Join this interactive forum for strategies on engaging your residents and businesses in sustainability efforts. Discussions will also address ensuring that your zoning codes and ordinances encourage residential and commercial participation while reducing barriers for those efforts. Join this forum to learn how to encourage behavior changes through updating zoning codes, model codes, benefits of code unification, and how you can leverage your zoning code or ordinances to further your sustainability efforts. 2, 9

Speaker: Marta Goldsmith, Executive Director of the Form Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America, Smart Growth America, Washington, DC
Speaker: Susanne Rasmussen, Director of Environmental and Transportation Planning, City of Cambridge, Cambridge, MA
Speaker: Melissa Valadez-Cummings, Deputy City Manager, City of Cedar Hill, Cedar Hill, TX

Luncheon for Women in Professional Local Government Management

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

2020 Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative
Nancy Tate, cochair of the 2020 Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative, will provide an overview of the 72-year struggle for women to win the right to vote with passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920 (ending in Tennessee by 1 vote), current efforts underway to commemorate the centennial, and ways that local governments, their communities, and/or individual ICMA members can participate in commemorating the centennial. The Initiative is an information-sharing collaborative focused on commemorating the 100th anniversary of women winning the Constitutional right to vote. From 2000 to 2015, Nancy Tate served as the executive director of the League of Women Voters of the United States, the only national successor to the women’s suffrage movement. $45

Speaker: Nancy Tate, Co-Chair, 2020 Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative, Washington, DC

Metro Water: Marrying History with New Technology

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:15 PMSold Out

The Omohundro Water Treatment Plant combines the historical significance of Nashville with its current state-of-the-art operations. Originally constructed in 1929, the facility is on the National Register of Historic Places. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $25

Music City Center, Nashville

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:15 PMSold Out

Located in the heart of Nashville, the Music City Center is not only a stunning addition to the city’s skyline but also reflects state-of-the-art technology for energy efficiency. The Music City Center is LEED Gold certified for New Construction by the U.S. Green Building Council. Features key to the building's LEED certification include a four-acre green roof, a 360,000-gallon rainwater collector, and an array of 845 solar panels. This demonstration will involve walking, so wear comfortable shoes. $25

What We Have Is a Failure to Deliberate: Reframing Local Government Management as Deliberative Practice

Sunday, October 20 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Forum participants will develop awareness of deliberative practice as an alternative form of communication and participation within organizations and whole communities to address concerns including interpersonal conflict, citizen opposition, and discovery of solutions to public problems that range from mundane to wickedly complex. You will experience deliberative process through interactive exercises to name and frame issues and identify tensions and tradeoffs while considering solutions. Professional managers and students alike will access tools for supporting deliberative practice in their communities. 2, 9 

Speaker: Thomas Bryer, Professor, University of Central Florida, Davenport, FL
Speaker: Martin Carcasson, Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Speaker: Bryna Helfer, Assistant County Manager & Director of Communications, County of Arlington, Arlington, VA
Speaker: Cheryl Hilvert, Montgomery, OH
Speaker: Valerie Lemmie, Director of Exploratory Research , The Kettering Foundation, Dayton, OH
Speaker: Doug Linkhart, President, National Civic League, Denver, CO
Speaker: Timothy Shaffer, Ph.D., Assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the assistant director of the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy at Kansas, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Local Gov Life: A Podcast and Video Recording

Sunday, October 20 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Senior Advisors

Sunday, October 20 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Smart Communities Advisory Board

Sunday, October 20 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Newcomers' Reception

Sunday, October 20 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM

Sunday Opening General Session - Keynote Speaker: Jake Wood

Sunday, October 20 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Keynote: Jake Wood, Co-Founder and CEO, Team Rubicon, Princeton, NJ

Exhibit Hall - Sunday

Sunday, October 20 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: A Taste of Nashville

Sunday, October 20 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Experience the diversity of Nashville and Tennessee and delight in the area’s distinctive flavors with the opening of the ICMA Exhibit Hall in the Music City Center. The cost of the reception is included with the conference registration fee. Tickets for complimentary registrants are $45 for adults and $35 for youth ages 6–18: no charge for children under 6. Price includes hors d’oeuvres, coordination, and gratuities. Visit the Host Desk in the convention center before the party for restaurant information and dinner reservations.

Keynote Speaker Book Signing: Jake Wood

Sunday, October 20 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Local Government Hispanic Network Dinner

Sunday, October 20 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This event is taking place at the Union Station Hotel. Go to https://lghn.org/events/lghn-annual-dinner-2019/ to register.

Student Happy Hour

Sunday, October 20 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Students! Come network with each other prior to the equity mixer. Grab a complimentary beverage, and get to know other students passionate about local government!

ICMA and Friends Equity Mixer

Sunday, October 20 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join ICMA, CivicPRIDE, the League of Women in Government, the National Forum for Black Public Administrators, the Local Government Hispanic Network, the International Network of Asian Public Administrators, ICMA veterans, the National Association of County Administrators, Engaging Local Government Leaders, the Government Alliance on Race and Equity and other friends for another mix and mingle with managers, up-and-comers, students, and everyone in between. All are invited to a networking mixer Sunday evening following the Opening General Session. Wear your name badge and bring your business cards!


Monday, October 21 6:30 AM - 7:30 AMSold Out
Tuesday, October 22 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Wednesday, October 23 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Start each day with your colleagues for daily yoga. A yoga instructor from the YMCA of Middle Tennessee will lead you through a workout to improve your strength, balance, and flexibility and prepare your mind for another active conference day. $20. Ticket price includes three morning yoga classes.

Registration Desk - Monday

Monday, October 21 6:45 AM - 5:00 PM

Inspirational Breakfast

Monday, October 21 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Henry Cho, born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, began his career as a stand-up comedian in the 1980s. Sometimes referred to as “Mr. Clean” because of his family-friendly comedy, Cho has appeared as a guest on talk shows, including The Tonight Show and The Late, Late Show. In addition, he has had roles in numerous movies and TV shows and is a repeat performer on the Grand Ole Opry. His comedy routines focus on growing up as a Korean in East Tennessee during the 1960s and 1970s and being “Korean with a Southern Accent.” Due to his unique childhood experiences, Cho brings a light-hearted inspirational message about finding and developing one’s own strengths to become successful.$35

Monday General Session - Keynote Speaker: Leonard Brody

Monday, October 21 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Keynote: Leonard Brody, Business and Technology Visionary, Toronto, ON, CANADA

Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL)

Monday, October 21 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Exhibit Hall - Monday

Monday, October 21 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

NASPAA Site Visitor Training

Monday, October 21 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Speaker: Abraham Benavides, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

A Planning Template for Emerging Technology

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

It’s an exciting time to be in local government management from a technology perspective. Every day new technologies appear on the horizon. Whether it’s apps, or AI, or blockchain, or drones, or a host of “smart” gizmos, all these technologies come with a price tag and big promises. This session is intended to help local government managers develop a framework/mindset to get their arms around new and emerging technologies, and a process to plan and budget for them. Presented by Plante Moran.

Speaker: Adam Rujan, Partner, Plante Moran, PLLC, Ann Arbor, MI

Alternative Approaches to Achieving Community Objectives Through Building Department Services

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Local governments of all sizes are looking for innovative and cost-effective models for the efficient delivery of community development services—building department, code enforcement, planning and zoning, and beyond. Delivering services to our communities needs to be timely, innovative, improved, and cost-effective while maintaining customer service, budget objectives, and community satisfaction. Presented by SAFEbuilt.

Speaker: Tom Klein, Chief Revenue Officer, SAFEbuilt, Inc., Loveland, CO

Analysis of Approaches to Job Creation in South African Municipalities

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

The current constrained economic conditions in South Africa do not provide sufficient absorption capacity for employment in the Corporate or SMME environments to alleviate unemployment in the short term. The normal agreed and accepted Local Economic Development interventions and approaches of Municipalities are therefore supplemented with Public Employment Programmes in South Africa to support long term job creation & employment opportunities. The paper explore the rationale, nature and successes of these programmes in selected Metropolitan Cities.

Speaker: Hennie Labuschagne, Director, Institute for Local Government Management of South Africa (iLGM), Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA

Are You Equipt to Innovate?

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

The Equipt to Innovate framework suggests that local governments that are dynamically planned, broadly partnered, resident involved, race-informed, smartly resourced, employee engaged, and data-driven are well-positioned to foster inclusive, responsive, and resilient communities. Learn about this framework for high-performance governing, what it looks like in practice, and how it can guide your efforts to promote innovation and racial equity.

Moderator: Laura Goddeeris, Director of Research, ICMA, Washington, DC
Speaker: Marlon Williams, Assistant Director of Public Sector Innovation, Living Cities, New York, NY

Beyond Diversity: An Inclusive Workforce for 21st-Century Outcomes

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Leverage people data to improve diversity and inclusion (D&I) outcomes. Actively engage in stories, case studies, and discussion of applied science. Participants will learn how people analytics is used for D&I and be introduced to new and innovative techniques and methods. 3

Speaker: Kylie Bayer, Human Resources Director, Tualatin Valley Water District, Beaverton, OR
Speaker: Max Cercone, Data Analytics & Evaluation Manager, County of Adams, Brighton, CO
Speaker: Debbie Hearty, Director, Culture & Workplace Excellence, County of Adams, Brighton, CO
Moderator: Matt Rivera, Director of Community Safety and Well-Being, County of Adams, Brighton, CO

Breakout Session with Leonard Brody

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Keynote: Leonard Brody, Business and Technology Visionary, Toronto, ON, CANADA

Building Community Resilience to Environmental Hazards

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Communities are counting on local governments to ensure that they are resilient to slow-moving hazards as well as acute shocks and stressors. Hear from Environmental Protection Agency staff about available resources, measurement tools, and approaches that can help local governments navigate community resilience strategies. 3, 6, 7, 14

Speaker: Jeff Cook, Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Speaker: Emily Eisenhauer, ORISE Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Washington, DC
Moderator: Andrew Geller, Deputy National Program Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Washington, DC
Speaker: Simon Markham, Manager Strategic Projects, Waimakariri District Council, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
Speaker: Craig Middleton, San Rafael, CA

Capitalizing on City-County Partnerships

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

The successful city-county partnerships examined in this session will illustrate benefits and outcomes of specific connections, with practical advice on how to make and manage them. Hear how Fulton County, Georgia, uses a common technology foundation to facilitate the seamless flow of information among law enforcement, judicial,
and property tax systems. Presented by Tyler Technologies.

Speaker: Mike Rowicki, Assistant to the Chief Strategy Officer, County of Fulton, Atlanta, GA
Moderator: Oliver Wise, Director, Socrata Data Academy, Tyler Technologies, Inc., Plano, TX

Cigna Health & Wellness Zone

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 3:45 PM

Tuesday, October 22 10:15 AM - 2:00 PM

Check out the Health and Well Being Zone located in the convention center just outside the expo hall! Cigna will be offering a variety of impactful 15 minute sessions where you can learn powerful techniques to improve your total health and well-being. Topics include managing family, goal setting, living in the moment, the power of making connections and emotional health. Open to all attendees and their guests. See daily schedules below:
Monday, 10/21/2019 
 Time  Session Speaker   
 9:45am-10:00am Ready, Set, GOAL! Jennifer Davis
 10:00am-10:15am  Q & A - Break 
 10:15am-10:30am Living in the Moment Sandra Shaklan
 10:30am-10:45am  Q & A - Break 
 10:45am-11:00am Balancing Act Jennifer Davis
 11:00am-11:15am  Q & A - Break 
 11:15am-11:30am The Power of Making Connections
 Sandra Shaklan
& Jennifer Davis
 11:30am-11:45am  Q & A - Break 
 11:45am-12:00pm Ready, Set, GOAL! Jennifer Davis
 12:00pm-1:00pm  Q & A - Break/Lunch 
 1:00pm-1:15pm Living in the Moment Sandra Shaklan
 1:15pm-1:30pm  Q & A - Break 
 1:30pm-1:45pm Balancing Act Sandra Shaklan
 1:45pm-2:00pm Q & A - Break 
 2:00pm-2:15pm The Power of Making Connections Sandra Shaklan
 2:15pm-2:30pm Q & A - Break 
 2:30pm-2:45pm Ready, Set, GOAL! Sandra Shaklan
 2:45pm-3:15pm Q & A - Break 
 3:15pm-3:30pm Living in the Moment Jennifer Davis
 3:30pm-3:45pm Q & A - Done 
Tuesday, 10/22/2019
 TimeSession Speaker
 10:15am-10:30am Balancing Act Jennifer Davis
 10:30am-10:45am  Q & A - Break 
 10:45am-11:00am Ready, Set, GOAL! Jennifer Davis
 11:00am-11:15am  Q & A - Break 
 11:15am-11:30amBalancing Act  Jennifer Davis
 11:30am-11:45am  Q & A - Break 
 11:45am-12:00pm Living in the Moment Sandra Shaklan
 12:00pm-1:00pm  Q & A - Break/Lunch 
 1:00pm-1:15pm Ready, Set, GOAL! Jennifer Davis
 1:15pm-1:30pm  Q & A - Break
 1:30am-1:45pm The Power of Making Connections Sandra Shaklan
 1:45pm-2:00pm Q & A - Done 

Speaker: Jennifer Davis, Client and Customer Engagement Director, Cigna, Bloomfield, CT
Speaker: Sandra Shaklan, Behavioral Clinical Account Manager, Cigna, Bloomfield, CT

Cultivating Trust in the Digital Age: Is It Possible?

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

As municipalities are required to follow open meetings and open records laws, it can often feel like walking on eggshells with respect to transparency. The backlash that can ensue from not being open or transparent enough is a hard blow to bounce back from – and that is exactly what we’ll help you avoid in this session around creating a culture of trust.

Speaker: Michelle Cooper, eGovernance Specialist, Diligent, New York, NY
Speaker: Josh Fruecht, eGovernance Advisor, iCompass & BoardDocs, Diligent, Winter Garden, FL

Data-Driven Crisis Management in Dayton, Ohio

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Tackling a city-wide crisis is one of the hardest parts of managing a city—and responding to the crisis and maintaining communication with residents can be a challenge. The city of Dayton, Ohio, experienced this challenge firsthand but used artificial intelligence (AI) technology for smarter crisis management. Dayton experienced a catastrophic water main break emergency that caused the city to lose 150 million gallons of treated water. This session will explain how AI helped the city manage the situation, be more effective in its response to residents, and more. 6, 9

Speaker: Eyal Feder-Levy, CEO & Co-Founder, Zencity, Tel Aviv-Yafo, ISRAEL
Speaker: Joe Parlette, Deputy City Manager, City of Dayton, Dayton, OH

No Nonsense: A Regional Approach in Belgium

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Flanders, Belgium, is undergoing significant changes. Local Leaders intend to integrate public social services, reorganize police forces, merge municipalities, introduce service design principles when modernizing city halls, transform to a digital, paperless administration, and change the management of human resources.

Speaker: Colin Beheydt, City Manager, City of Bruges, Bruges, BELGIUM
Speaker: Borchert Belien, City Manager, Local Authority Oosterzele, Oosterzele, BELGIUM

Rebuilding Civic Infrastructure

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

In a time defined by cultural and political divisiveness, local governments have a key opportunity and responsibility in restoring civic practices guided by democratic values. Research findings and case studies explore how managers and other stakeholders can elevate the dialogue.

Speaker: Tanya Ange, County Administrator, County of Washington, Hillsboro, OR
Speaker: Nicole Hendrickson, Community Outreach Director, County of Gwinnett, Lawrenceville, GA
Speaker: Nicolaie Moldovan, City Manager, Alba Iulia Municipality, Șeușa, AB, ROMANIA
Moderator: Scott Neal, City Manager, City of Edina, Edina, MN

Resident-Influenced Strategic Planning: Finding Efficient Ways to Infuse Resident Voices into the Planning Process

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Strategic planning can be like herding cats, spending undue amounts of time determining community priorities. Many local government jurisdictions have realized the benefits of beginning the process with data, with one the best data sets representing the bottom line in governance: resident opinion. Further, the incorporation of resident priorities in strategic planning not only gathers elected officials to the same starting point, but also welcomes residents into the decision making process, empowering them to become local government promoters rather than naysayers. This session will focus on the efficiency and value that comes from using community survey data in strategic planning. Come listen to the stories of communities who have recently focused their strategic planning on survey data and find out the benefits and challenges of this planning approach.

Speaker: Mali LaGoe (Dyck), City Manager, City of Scotts Valley, Scotts Valley, CA
Speaker: Lisa Brown, Director of Economic and Urban Development, City of Rock Hill, Rock Hill, SC
Speaker: John Goodwin, City Manager, City of Canandaigua, Canandaigua, NY

The Future of the Profession

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Learn about the BIG ideas and concepts managers will face in the next 10 to 20 years. Come explore skills managers will need and what emerging trends to prepare for—e,g., driverless cars, smart-city design, sharing economy, and technological changes. 6, 7

Speaker: Tanisha Briley, City Manager, City of Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD
Speaker: Jennifer Reichelt, Deputy City Administrator, City of Yuma, Yuma, AZ
Speaker: Mara Shaw, Associate Director, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, Athens, GA
Moderator: David Street, City Manager, City of District Heights, District Heights, MD

Uncorking Blockchain: From Permits to Crypto Currencies

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Why is blockchain technology important?  This presentation builds upon concepts central to blockchain technology (decentralization, immutability, and security). Areas to be explored include Secured Transactions, IoT, Supply Chain and Logistics, Real Estate and Title, Privacy/Cybersecurity, Policy, Smart Contracts, and KYC/AML.

Speaker: Russell Truell, Franklin, TN

Urban Living in the Gulch

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 12:15 PMSold Out

The Gulch is a dynamic, mixed-use LEED-certified community in the heart of Nashville. The neighborhood was the first LEED ND neighborhood in the South. The project has a strong focus on connectivity, walkability, and public transportation. Located on the southwest border of Nashville’s Central Business District, the vibrant urban development and redevelopment area is home to the best urban living, office, retail, restaurants, entertainment venues, and hospitality venues. The bus trip takes 10 minutes. $25

Williamson County Emergency Operations and Public Safety Cooperation

Monday, October 21 9:45 AM - 12:15 PM

This field demonstration features Williamson County’s new emergency operations center, which is designed to withstand the force of an F-5 tornado. In an extreme disaster, the center can be a self-sustaining facility for the entire county. Speakers will also discuss the county’s new $20-million-plus public safety radio system. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $25

Cal-ICMA Board Meeting

Monday, October 21 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Partners’ Brunch and Educational Session: "I Signed Up for This Life?"

Monday, October 21 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

This session is free but requires preregistration. We invite partners of members to a complimentary brunch and
lively discussion with our panel of partners about topics and situations unique to spouses/partners of local government managers and professionals.  Engage with the panelists and one another as we share stories and find common ground through similar experiences.

Public-Public Partnerships: Working with Your Neighboring Military Installation

Monday, October 21 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Federal law allows military installations to acquire services from neighboring local governments, but few communities create these partnerships. Learn from managers and base commanders about how to create a sole-source intergovernmental support agreement partnering with a nearby military base, and other opportunities that can benefit the wider community.

Speaker: Douglas Hewett, City Manager, City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville, NC
Speaker: Teran Judd, Director, Air Force Community Partnership and Encroachment, U.S. Air Force, Washington, DC
Speaker: Axel Lopez, Program Manager, Leidos, Arlington, VA
Moderator: Fred Meurer, Retired, Monterey Bay Defense Alliance, Salinas, CA
Speaker: Justin Mitchell, Deputy Garrison Commander, Fort Bragg, Fort Bragg, NC

Preparing for the Next Recession

Monday, October 21 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

What can be expected at the county level when another recession hits? The course will take you through some lessons learned from county managers who successfully the Great Recession, and strategies you can look to employ as we prepare for the next economic contraction.

Speaker: Michael Pagano, Director, Government Finance Research Center, University of Illinois At Chicago, IL

What Drives You Nuts?

Monday, October 21 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

This presentation is a humorous look at some examples of practices and experiences that I have observed over the years. Despite the gravitas of our profession, we should be able to laugh, too. Part stand-up, part serious, these vignettes touch on aspects of leadership, political acumen and common sense that may make a difference in your management style.

Speaker: Duncan Campbell, Director General, City of Westmount, Baie-D'Urfé, QC, CANADA

Are You a First-Time Administrator? We Have Key Strategies for Your Success!

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Are you a first-time administrator who is looking for ideas that will help you to be successful in your new role?  Join ICMA regional directors and long-term government managers Cheryl Hilvert and Pat Martel as they lead a lively, interactive discussion on tips of the trade including establishing good working relationships with your elected officials, building trust within your organization and avoiding common mistakes that we have all made.

Speaker: Cheryl Hilvert, Montgomery, OH

Best Practices to Bring Solar to Low- and Middle-Income Communities

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Learn from the winners of the Department of Energy-sponsored Solar in Your Community Challenge, a $5 million prize competition aimed at incentivizing innovation in developing new, scalable business models to expand solar particularly in low- and middle-income communities and for nonprofit entities.

Speaker: Jeff Cook, Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Speaker: Ramsey Cripe, Consultant, Schneider Engineering, Ltd., College Station, TX
Speaker: Shubha Jaishankar, Technical Management Analyst, Department of Energy, Washington, DC
Speaker: Chris Jedd, Senior Development and Energy Manager, Denver City and County Housing Authority, Denver, CO

Economic Development 2.0: The Role of Technology in Today’s Economic Development Processes

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Technology is making waves in many areas of local government management, including economic development. This session will explore the types of technologies available today to help city managers and their teams be more efficient in their economic development efforts. Topics will include the role of CRMs in the business outreach process, GIS technologies, tools government can provide to local businesses to help with business retention, and even the role of digital marketing in the business attraction process. Presented by Buxton.

Speaker: Robb Miller, VP Sales, Buxton, Fort Worth, TX

Ethics in the Real World: Moving from Theory to Reality

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

All MPA students are invited to join local government practitioners and academics in an exploration of common ethical issues in local government. After the session? Go have lunch together and keep the dialogue alive! 1

Speaker: Jessica Cowles, Ethics Director, ICMA, Washington, DC
Speaker: Kurt Thurmaier, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL

Find Your Fit: City vs. County Careers

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Are you contemplating whether your future is in city management or county management? Is it possible that one path would better satisfy your passions or match your skill set? Learn about what each has to offer from professionals who have walked both paths. 5

Panelist: Timothy Hemstreet, County Administrator, County of Loudoun, Leesburg, VA
Panelist: Claudia Lujan, Human Resources Assistant Director, City of El Paso, El Paso, TX
Moderator: David Street, City Manager, City of District Heights, District Heights, MD
Panelist: Hannes Zacharias, Professor of Practice in Local Government , University of Kansas, Lenexa, KS

First-Time Administrators: Highlights and Hurdles in Hamlets: The Unique Rewards and Challenges of Managing Small Towns

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This session will focus on the unique aspects of managing a community with a population under 5,000. Managing in small communities can be equally rewarding and frustrating especially when it comes to service delivery.  Join Jay Feyler, ME, Teresa Tieman, DE, and Justin Weiland, SD for tips and lessons learned on being a jack of all trades while being highly visible in the town you are serving.  

Speaker: Jay Feyler, Town Manager, Town of Union, Union, ME
Speaker: Teresa Tieman, Assistant Town Manager, Town of Bethany Beach, Bethany Beach, DE
Moderator: Patricia Vinchesi, Conway, MA
Speaker: Justin Weiland, City Administrator, City Of Tea, Tea, SD

Fostering a Culture of Innovation and Collaboration in Your Community

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The city of Fort Collins, Colorado, will present its community-wide strategy to spark innovation within government in a way that extends to community stakeholders. The culture of innovation in Fort Collins is a catalyst for innovative solutions that include waste-to-energy, municipal broadband, dynamic parking, climate action planning, and traffic management. Hear how you can foster a culture of innovation in your community and co-create your community’s future with “city as a platform” thinking. Presented by eCivis.

Speaker: Jeffrey Mihelich, City Manager, City of Bozeman, Bozeman, MT

Leadership ICMA 2019 Capstone Report: Peer-to-Peer Technical Assistance

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Leadership ICMA Class of 2019 has been hard in at work assisting Boulder, Colorado; Frisco, Texas; Georgetown, Texas; and Twin Falls, Idaho, by working to enhance the employee performance process; providing comprehensive analysis of and recommendations for improving systems for processing, approving, permitting, and funding special events; developing a plan to expand a single-department business improvement program to provide business improvement services to all departments citywide; and developing recommendations to establish, educate, and expand process review efforts to enhance efficiencies and effectiveness. 5

Recycling Is Broken: An Update on the Crisis

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Join this session to hear an update on the ongoing recycling crisis facing programs and municipalities across the United States. Republic Services will offer a view into current conditions as a complement to its highly attended webinars offered with ICMA. Presented by Republic Services.

Speaker: Richard Coupland, Vice President, Municipal Services, Republic Services, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

Revenues, Preemptions, and Disasters: How to Get Results from Your State Government

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Panelists will discuss ways to work more effectively with their state legislatures to avoid preemptions, advocate to protect revenue sources, and learn what works to receive disaster recovery funds in a timely way.  After the Supreme Court’s decision in Wayfair v. South Dakota, some states have moved quickly to collect sales taxes owed on out-of-state purchases.  What can local governments do to receive their share?  Likewise, local governments in some states
have been quicker to receive disaster recovery funds than others have.  This session will examine lessons learned.

Panelist: Ron Carlee, Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Moderator: Jonathan Lewis, County Administrator, County of Sarasota, Sarasota, FL
Panelist: Steven Thompson, Knoxville, TN

Urban and Rural Governance in a Globalized World: How Local Governments Utilize Big Data

Monday, October 21 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Big data and technology applications have become more popular around the world. China has 800 million internet users, and a slightly less number of mobile phone users. The Chinese national government has been urging big data driven strategy and many Chinese local governments have been using big data applications to provide better services in their jurisdictions. Similarly, many US local governments have been investing in technology and developing new programs by using big data to serve their residents better. At this session, speakers will discuss China’s efforts in integrating data with local governance and big data programs implemented in Qingdao, China and Charleston County, SC.

Speaker: Zhiyong Lan, Professor , Tsinghua University, Beijing, 11, CHINA
Speaker: Kevin Limehouse, Assistant City Manager, City of Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC
Speaker: Dongfang Wang, Associate Professor of School of Politics & Public Administration, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, CHINA

Assistants’ Luncheon Building Your Leadership Muscle: Thinking Differently About Your Path Forward

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Building Your Leadership Muscle: Thinking Differently about Your Path Forward
How do you know if you’re ready to move up to the CAO position? What skills do you need to advance? Or are you considering staying in the assistant/deputy role? Do you want to be best at your job, but don’t necessarily want to be the manager? During this interactive session, current assistants, a recently appointed manager, and an assistant who has done both jobs will use live polling, video, and table conversations to tackle these questions and more. Everyone is welcome. $45

Speaker: Jay Evans, Assistant City Manager, City of Brentwood, Arrington, TN
Speaker: Matthew Greeson, City Manager, City of Kettering, Kettering, OH
Speaker: Marcella Marlowe, Burbank, CA
Speaker: Gregory McClain, City Manager, City of Maryville, Maryville, TN

Data, Data, Everywhere: Challenges and Opportunities of Using Data in Your Organization

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Data privacy, data standards, data bias, open data portals…with all these solutions and social issues, how can managers improve their operations, customer service, and policy decision making with data?  Join members of the Smart Communities Advisory Board to discuss your challenges of using data and leave with key expectations of what to get out of your data.

Five Year Anniversary of the ICMA Task Force on Women in the Profession: Where We're Headed!

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

This session will discuss the 2014 ICMA Task Force on Women Report and the progress women's groups have made across the country as well as a recap of the work that still needs to be done to push the needle forward on the number of female chief administrative officers across the globe.

Helping Your New Board Get Off to a Good Start

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

This session focuses on the role of the manager in supporting newly elected officials’ ability to effectively lead and govern their organizations and communities. Those who attend will take away specific ideas for how to provide an engaging and informative orientation for new board members to help them make the transition from campaigning to governing, understand their role as a governing body, and get an overview of how local government works.

ICMA Coaching Program and State Partners: Annual Planning Meeting (Invitation Only)

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Keynote Speaker Meet and Greet: Leonard Brody

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Managers and Partners—Navigating the Retirement Journey Together

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Come to discuss: when does one know when it is time to leave a local government career, what are the opportunities/challenges of transitioning to the next life phase, what are the tension points for managers & their partners as one enters retirement. Gain insights and tips from partners to successfully navigate the transition together.

Members in Transition

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

This meeting offers members in transition the opportunity to learn from experts, interact with peers, and ask questions. Lunch will be provided. Partners are welcome too.

Stressed Out & A Way Out

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Increased global attention is focused on how local governments address "well-being" - a concept that captures the important aspects of how people feel about and experience their daily lives. Stress is a symptom of lack of well-being and is on the rise in America. Local governments are feeling the pain and sometimes the wrath of this stress outbreak from citizens and municipal employees alike.  In this roundtable, you will hear how other communities are creating indexes to measure well-being.  

Techniques for Attracting Tourism Investment to Your Municipality

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

In order to attract tourism, cities need to promote a brand and then ensure that the products they offer match that brand. What's more important for a city? What comes first? This roundtable will look at the tools Puerto Rico has used to develop its branding strategy and lead a discussion on how to ensure that cities invest in tourism products that align with their brand.

Speaker: Mickey Espada, President, Global Advisors Group, Hato Rey, PR

The Growing Fragility of Cities

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Resiliency, cybersecurity, and creating more sustainable places are all topics being discussed by local government practitioners and scholars. Could it be that as local governments are increasing reliance on technology that they are becoming more fragile in the absence of considering some of the socio-economic consequences? Join this roundtable to offer your thoughts and opinions.

Tools to Strengthen Employee Financial Wellness

Monday, October 21 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

How are local governments working to improve employee financial literacy? What are workers looking for in a financial wellness program? Discuss how to meet employee needs and preferences on topics covered, content delivery, and tailoring the program to diverse groups.

Exhibit Hall Mon Lunch

Monday, October 21 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Building a Culture of Unshakeable Security

Monday, October 21 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Most cyberattacks start with an unsuspecting staff member who receives a phishing email or inadvertently exposes a password. This reality means that your cybersecurity program is only as secure as your staff members’ weakest security habits. CyberDefenses will share proven ways to instill a culture of impeccable security habits that extend beyond the data center and onto the desk of each and every employee. Presented by CyberDefenses.

Speaker: Brian Engle, CISO and Director of Advisory Services, CyberDefenses, Round Rock, TX

Key to Thriving Communities: Today’s Public Libraries

Monday, October 21 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Farmers Branch Manske Library, a hub of its thriving community, has strategically balanced excellent service with economic reality. Learn how this suburban library has been instrumental in community revitalization and growth by becoming a destination for enrichment, community connection and contemporary living.

Speaker: Denise Wallace, Library Market Strategist, Gensler Dallas, Farmers Branch, TX
Speaker: Benjamin Williamson, City Manager, City of Farmers Branch, Farmers Branch, TX

Moving Forward with a Smart Communities Strategy

Monday, October 21 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Smart communities push aside politics and preconceptions in favor of data and analytics to make decisions. How our communities will run in the future and how our citizens will perceive government services depend on our ability to embrace smart. Presented by Esri.

Speaker: Christopher Thomas, Director Government Markets , Esri, Redlands, CA

County Administrators' Idea Exchange

Monday, October 21 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

The National Association of County Administrators (NACA) will host an idea exchange—an informal roundtable discussion for county administrators to discuss issues that are important to county management.

Historic Preservation in East Nashville

Monday, October 21 12:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Creating and managing local historic districts—both historic and conservation zoning overlays—can be challenging and rewarding in a rapidly growing city facing increased development pressures. This demonstration will feature the local historic district in East Nashville. Participants will learn about some of the most challenging cases that have arisen as the neighborhood seeks to balance preservation and progress. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $25

Reclaiming History: The Battle of Franklin

Monday, October 21 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM

The city of Franklin has made a point of recapturing key portions of the Civil War’s Battle of Franklin, which took place on November 30, 1864. This small community of 900 people saw more than 10,000 causalities during the battle. Over time, the site was built over and mostly forgotten. Fifteen years ago, the city, local preservation groups, and the American Battlefield Trust banded together to reclaim and restore key sites. The bus trip takes 30 minutes. $25

A National and Personal Apology

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

In 2004, Meridian Charter Township, Michigan, had an opportunity but failed to stop the destruction caused by Larry Nassar as the doctor for the USA gymnastics team. Nassar's abuse of young women went on for another 12 years, and in 2018 the community chose to publicly apologize in front of the national media. Learn how Meridian Charter Township made changes to its law enforcement procedures to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future. 1

Session Leader: Ken Plaga, MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP POLICE, Okemos, MI
Moderator: Russell Taylor, Township Manager, Township of Thomas, Saginaw, MI
Speaker: Frank Walsh, Township Manager, Township of Meridian, Okemos, MI

Blue Goes Green

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

This documentary looks at how Cincinnati, Ohio, built the first Net Zero Energy police station in America. It also shows how this “green” construction project improved police-community relations and saved taxpayer money. Watch the 30-minute film and hear from the filmmaker herself on the process and lessons learned from the experience.

Panelist: Milton Dohoney, City Administrator, City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Panelist: Aaron Jones, Captain, City of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Panelist: Aaron Jones, Captain, City of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Facilitator: Laure Quinlivan, President, LQ Consulting, Cincinnati, OH
Moderator: Laure Quinlivan, President, LQ Consulting, Cincinnati, OH
Panelist: Scott Stiles, City Manager, City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA

Eldon Fields Colloquium: Rediscovering the Value of Public Service in Local Government

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Last year, County Manager Hannes Zacharias unexpectedly found himself “in transition.” To recalibrate his life, he embarked on a 2,060-mile kayak trip—an inspirational story of moving on after a career of more than 35 years in local government management. The Eldon Fields lecture commemorates one of the revered founders of the local government management program at the University of Kansas. 1, 5

Speaker: Hannes Zacharias, Professor of Practice in Local Government , University of Kansas, Lenexa, KS

Game of Life: Play it Right—Season 8

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Join us for this interactive and engaging trivia “game show” that will help educate the audience on maximizing the way you live and save. Subject matter experts in health and wellness and finance will provide information we all need to know as we work, play and live the Game of Life. 18

Panelist: Jennifer Davis, Client and Customer Engagement Director, Cigna, Bloomfield, CT
Panelist: Steven Taylor, Senior Financial Planner, Guided Pathways, MissionSquare Retirement, Washington, DC
Moderator: Joseph Teague, Managing VP, Field Sales, MissionSquare Retirement, Washington, DC

Mission Impossible: Serving the Underserved in India

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

With a population of 7 million in urban areas covering 14 towns and cities, the state of Odisha (India) has taken several path-breaking initiatives towards more inclusive development and governance.  Four of the initiatives  that have helped improved the quality of life for their citizens will be discussed in this session.

Speaker: G Vathanan , Principal Secretary to Government, Housing and Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar , OR, INDIA
Speaker: Anurag Anthony, Chief Technical Officer, Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad, GJ, INDIA
Speaker: Sangramjit Nayak, Director Municipal Administration & Mission Director-Jaga Mission, Housing and Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar , OR, INDIA

Monday Featured Speaker: Kelli Harding

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Featured: Kelli Harding, Featured Speaker, Washington, DC

Start a Smart Civic Engagement Action Plan with Polco

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

In this interactive workshop, Polco civic engagement experts reveal their best insider secrets for a streamlined, actionable approach to planning where you will walk away with a personalized community engagement strategy that your local government can build on and use right away!

Surviving City Management: The Partners’ Stories

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Relationship pressures experienced by city managers’ partners are not unusual or uncommon—from the fishbowl environment in which we live to the 24-hour news cycle that disrupts our homelives. Partners of managers in both traditional and nontraditional families provide their unique perspectives on how to keep the relationship thriving. 5

Speaker: Clifton Brady, Manager, Human Resources and Employee Relations, United Airlines, Ventura, CA
Speaker: Vincent Briley, Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, OH
Speaker: Jessica Lahner, Professor, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI
Moderator: Alexander McIntyre, City Manager, City of San Bruno, San Bruno, CA

Urban Renaissance and the Intersection of Growth and Social (In)Equity

Monday, October 21 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

How can public- and private-sector resources devoted to supporting thriving center-city economies also benefit underserved neighborhoods? The Inclusive Places Council will share toolkits and best practices for creating a more inclusive public realm. Hear examples that can help leaders who are grappling with issues of inclusive growth and social equity find a path forward. 3

Speaker: Natalie Avery, Executive Director, DC Bid Council, Washington, DC
Speaker: Jamillah Jordan, Director, Equity Studio, MIG, Inc., Berkeley, CA

Community Cohesion in a Time of Crisis: How Technology Can Align Your Community

Monday, October 21 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

When a crisis strikes, your community and communication, especially from government leaders, is key. Learn how the City of Redding, CA leveraged technology in a time of crisis to engage and inform the community during the Carr Fire’s rapidly developing situation. And how the Nebraska Department of Transportation provided citizens with updated information on the scope of flood damage to the Nebraska state highway system and the status of recovery efforts.  Presented by OpenGov.

Panelist: Jeni Campana, Highway Communication Services Manager, Nebraska Department of Transportation, Lincoln, NE
Panelist: Janelle Galbraith, Assistant Director of Economic Development and Tourism, City of Lynchburg, Lynchburg, VA
Moderator: David Reeves, President, OpenGov, Inc., Redwood City, CA

PRISM: Aligning Employee Performance to Organizational Goals in an Electronic Format

Monday, October 21 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

GovHR USA has partnered with Engagedly to develop an electronic solution to conduct performance reviews for local government personnel. The PRISM (Performance Review, Input, Support, and Management) system, which is specific to local government, has the ability to measure performance based on criteria and core competencies and align employee goals to strategic organizational goals. Presented by GovHR USA.

Speaker: Joellen Cademartori, Chief Executive Officer, GovHR USA, Northbrook, IL
Speaker: Mysi DeSantis, GovHR USA, Northbrook, IL
Speaker: Kevin Paulus, Customer Success Manager, Engagedly, Saint Louis, MO

International Network of Asian Public Administrators Annual Meeting

Monday, October 21 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Civic Capital: Your Community's Problem-Solving Capacity

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

What makes some communities better able than others to solve tough social, political, or economic challenges?  The National Civic League’s 2019 Civic Index measures engagement, inclusion, equity, communication, shared vision, and collaboration. See how this self-assessment tool can help your community.

Speaker: Doug Linkhart, President, National Civic League, Denver, CO

Design Thinking for Serving the Underserved

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Creating services for our most at-risk citizens is about more than just providing better access: it takes a different kind of user-centered design. Join a dynamic conversation about how one company’s commitment to implementing financial solutions for the underserved has unfolded, and how their experiences can offer lessons for agencies, nonprofits and companies in your community.

Speaker: Clam Lorenz, PayPal, San Jose, CA

How to Use Disaster Funds to Maximize Recovery: Lessons Learned from City Managers and the Former FEMA Administrator on How to Own Your Recovery

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Moderator: Matthew Hochstein, Vice President, Client Services, Hagerty Consulting, Washington, DC
Panelist: Brock Long, Executive Chairman, Hagerty Consulting, Washington, DC
Panelist: Sean McGlynn, City Manager, City of Escondido, Escondido, CA
Panelist: Mark McQueen, Superintendent, Bay District Schools, Panama City, FL

International Affiliate Organizations

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Representatives of the each of ICMA’s International Affiliate Organizations report on issues facing local governments in their countries and explore ways to work with ICMA and the other affiliates.

Leading through Tragedy

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

How do you move forward when your fire chief and friend take their own life in their city vehicle amid accusations of bullying of staff by city council members? How does a community and staff recover in the aftermath of a mass shooting at city hall? This session will explore leadership challenges and provide key takeaways for leading through a tragedy in your community. 5

Moderator: Sallie Ann Burnett, Spartanburg, SC
Speaker: Georgia Ragland, Kirkwood, MO
Speaker: David Rowlands, City Manager, City of Fillmore, Fillmore, CA

Planning for Aging: Promising Practices

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Rapid population aging worldwide challenges local government infrastructures and services, yet the largest talent pool of experience in human history is also a community asset.AARP will share global, city-led innovations that support planning including equitable transportation, for all ages. 7, 8, 9, 10

Speaker: Cathy Boyer-Shesol, Project Manager, Mid-America Regional Council, Mission, KS
Moderator: Stephanie Firestone, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, AARP, Washington, DC
Speaker: Jana Lynott, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, AARP, Washington, DC
Speaker: Per Røner, Greve, 85, DENMARK

Podcasting Your Story

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Want to be part of the hottest communication trend and start a podcast? This session will discuss how a podcast can help you increase your community’s connection to residents, offer tips on how to get your new podcast up and running, and show you how to structure and promote your podcast for maximum engagement. See how local governments can effectively share their stories and promote healthy civic dialogue via podcasts or other direct engagement.

Speaker: Erika White, Washington, DC

Strengthening Libraries as Community and Entrepreneurial Hub

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Beyond their traditional roles, libraries also serve as learning and entrepreneurial hubs to support immigrants, people of color, justice-involved individuals, women, and veterans. Explore strategies to engage your next wave of community leaders and benchmark your effectiveness.

Panelist: Tammy Baggett, Library Director, County of Durham, Durham, NC
Moderator: Susan Benton, Washington, DC
Panelist: Wendell Davis, Managing Principal Sixty-Revolutions LLC, Sixty-Revolutions LLC, Burlington , NC

Taking Advantage of Opportunity Zones

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The U.S. Department of Treasury has designated 8,700 Opportunity Zones around the country, places where millions of Americans continue to live below the poverty line. Get the latest news on Opportunity Zones (OZs) and Opportunity Funds, as well as strategic information for local government leaders and managers who have OZs in their communities.

Speaker: Jane Campbell, President & CEO, U.S. Capitol Historical Society, Cleveland, OH
Speaker: William Lambe, Director of Capital Solutions, Enterprise Community Partners, Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC

The Future of How, When, and Where We Work

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Innovation doesn’t “just happen.” Innovation happens when governments stop doing things because “that’s the way it’s always been done” and start seeking better ways to deliver public services. We’ll discuss new strategies being introduced in California. 4, 10, 13

Moderator: Jason Damweber, Deputy Town Administrator , Town of Estes Park, Estes Park, CO
Speaker: Dominic Lazzaretto, City Manager, City of Arcadia, Arcadia, CA
Speaker: Nat Rojanasathira, Assistant City Manager, City of Monterey, Monterey, CA

The Success of Failing

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Compared with success, failures are rarely talked about. There is power in failure and lessons that can be transformative for professional development. Removing the shame of failure can begin to change the culture in government to one of innovation, learning, and growth. 5

Moderator: Scott Colby, Assistant Town Manager, Town of Windsor, Windsor, CT
Panelist: Nicole Lance, CEO, Lance Strategies, Phoenix, AZ
Panelist: Tim Moreland, Administrator of Innovation Delivery and Performance, City of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN

Tools for Trust: From the Lens of a Social Crisis

Monday, October 21 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Community leaders are challenged to engage residents and build trust. This interactive conversation will engage participants with crisis case studies to illustrate why broad engagement is essential to foster healthy, inclusive community interaction.

Speaker: Christian Clegg, City Manager, City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA
Speaker: Becky Monroe, Director, Divided Communities Project, Distinguished Practitioner in Residence, Ohio State Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Moderator: Deborah Morton, Deputy Director, Parks & Recreation, City of Richmond, Richmond, VA
Speaker: Elon Simms, Director of Community Philanthropy, Crane Group, Columbus, OH

Cultivate a Happier and Engaged Community through Transformed Digital Solutions

Monday, October 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Fostering healthy citizen interactions is easier in the digital age. Learn how communities are becoming more involved, engaging with government on multiple channels and increasing access to services and life-saving information. It’s time to rethink your approach to communications. Presented by Granicus.

Speaker: Mark Hynes, Chief Executive Officer, Granicus, Inc., Denver, CO
Speaker: Michele Williams, Chief Information Officer, City of Culver City, Culver City, CA

Ennis, TX is First Texas City to Deploy Underground Solid Waste Containment and Collection Technology

Monday, October 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Come learn how Ennis Texas chose to Deploy the Cleaner, space saving automated Underground Solid Waste Containment and collection system. Ennis and Underground Refuse Systems Inc. are at the start of a public private partnership (P3) for this smarter, and better technology for the Southwestern United States.  

Speaker: Scott Dixon, Ennis, TX
Speaker: Benjamin Nibarger, Assistant City Manager, City of Ennis, Ennis, TX
Speaker: Jay Wheeler, Underground Refuse Systems, Kissimmee, FL

Optimizing Economic and Financial Outcomes in Your Parks and Recreation Assets

Monday, October 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Parks and recreation assets produce significant economic, social, and community benefits. Understanding the impact of these benefits on property values, health care costs, crime rates, and community engagement is the first step in evaluating the value of your parks and recreation assets. The second step is to understand where you have opportunities to optimize your assets and increase revenue by utilizing creative financing, program development, new facilities development, and cost containment strategies. Presented by Sports Facilities Advisory | Sports Facilities Management.

Speaker: Jason Clement, CEO & Founder, The Sports Facilities Companies, Clearwater, FL

Building Cultural Competency: Tribal-City-County Cooperation

Monday, October 21 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

What makes some communities better able to promote cooperation to solve tough social, political, or economic challenges? This workshop explores what it takes to build a level of cultural competency to build tribal, county, and municipal relationships. This workshop will also further explore what DEI components are necessary to achieve a successful intergovernmental agreement with a marginalized tribe, county, or municipality.

Speaker: Mitchell Berg, Clinical Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Data.Census.Gov: Utilizing the New Census Data Platform

Monday, October 21 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

As local government professionals, you are aware of the invaluable statistics on housing, economics, and demographics the Census Bureau produces. But do you know how to access this treasure trove of information? The Census Bureau has rolled out a new platform -data.census.gov- for the American Community Survey, Economic Census and upcoming 2020 Census. Join this session for a live demonstration of the new platform. Learn how to access tables, maps, and profiles for your community using the new site to use in making policy, applying for grants and planning for your community's future.

Speaker: Rob Chestnut, Assistant Division Chief, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC
Speaker: Charles Gamble, Supervisory Survey Statistician, US Census Bureau, Washington, DC

Homegrown Heroes: Diversity in the Public Safety Forces

Monday, October 21 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

Speaker: Joe Parlette, Deputy City Manager, City of Dayton, Dayton, OH

Advancing Racial Equity: The Role of Government

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Your community cares about equality and justice. You are trying to do the right thing. However, you are not quite sure what to actually do – you want to intentionally align your community’s values with your actions. Well, then, this is the session for you. ICMA’s partnership with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity offers a model for normalizing conversations about race, operationalizing new policies and practices, and organizing to advance racial equity, both within government and working in partnership with community. This interactive workshop will demonstrate the possibilities for accelerating success, and leveraging the opportunities, power and leverage that local government provides.

Speaker: Ariana Flores, Membership Director, Government Alliance on Race and Equity, Berkeley, CA

Advice to My Younger Self: Avoiding Career Killers

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This discussion will give emerging and mid-level managers who aspire to higher levels advice to not shoot themselves in the foot. Learn how tone of voice and delivery can make or break your reputation, how to seek
and handle constructive criticism, and how to navigate political situations with ease.

Assistants’ Forum Building Your Leadership Muscle: Thinking Differently About Your Path Forward

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Building Your Leadership Muscle: Reaching for the Top Job and/or How to Be the Best Assistant/Deputy Ever
As a continuation of the Assistants’ Luncheon conversation, the Assistants’ Forum will look at key core competencies that are critical to be a competitive and successful CAO or assistant manager, regardless of the career path you choose. Hear about the 3 R’s for assistants—roles, relationships, and responsibilities—and learn career development skills and resources to become or succeed as an assistant/deputy or manager. If you are wondering what the next step in your career might be, this session is for you.

Moderator: Scott Andrews, Assistant City Manager, City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA
Moderator: Rolando Fernandez, Deputy Director, Convention Center, City of Austin, Buda, TX
Speaker: James Gonzales, Assistant City Manager, City of Austin, Austin, TX
Speaker: Tammi Saddler Jones, Powder Springs, GA
Speaker: Dionne Mack, Deputy City Manager, Public Safety & Support Services, City of El Paso, El Paso, TX

Attracting and Onboarding a Veteran: Guidance for Managers and Team Leaders

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This session will discuss how to take advantage of the VLGMF or DOD SkillBridge Program, and guidance on how to connect with, hire, and onboard/mentor veterans for success in local government.

Speaker: Rey Arellano, Austin, TX
Speaker: Andrew Nelson, Senior Executive Recruiter, Cooperative Personnel Services, Las Vegas, NV
Speaker: Darrin Tangeman, Town Manager, Town of Truro, Truro, MA
Moderator: Peter Troedsson, City Manager, City of Albany, Albany, OR

City Health Dashboard: Connecting Data to Change for a Healthier Community

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The City Health Dashboard is an online resource providing city- and neighborhood-level data on health and health drivers for 500 U.S. cities. Learn how this tool has been used by cities to forge local solutions and drive change.

Speaker: Laura Lam, Chief Operating Officer, City of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, MI
Speaker: Becky Ofrane, Manager of Partnerships, City Health Dashboard, New York University, New York, NY

CivicPRIDE Mixer

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Join CivicPRIDE, ELGL, and ICMA at the 5th annual mixer to celebrate another year of advancement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) professionals in city and county management. This is an outstanding opportunity to support and connect with friends and colleagues over pre-dinner refreshments. Look for registration details as we get closer to the conference.

Executive Recruiters Tell All

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Join a panel of Executive Recruiters to learn more about what governing bodies are thinking and looking for now in their next city, county, or town manager.

Speaker: Ron Holifield, CEO, Strategic Government Resources, TX
Moderator: Martha Perego, Arlington, VA
Speaker: Catherine Tuck-Parrish, Vice President, Raftelis, Rockville, MD
Speaker: Heidi Voorhees, Founder, GovHRUSA/MGT, Northbrook, IL
Speaker: Clark Wurzberger, Senior Vice President, The Mercer Group Inc, Weimar, CA

Get the Content You Want from ICMA

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This discussion will give emerging and mid-level managers who aspire to higher levels advice to not shoot themselves in the foot. Learn how tone of voice and delivery can make or break your reputation, how to seek and handle constructive criticism, and how to navigate political situations with ease.

How to Collaborate with Your Chief to Conduct a Police Department Review

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Building upon their highly successful past workshops on Asking Your Police and Fire Chiefs the Right Questions the CPSM team will discuss data driven ways to determine staffing as well as alternative strategies to meet needs staffing needs, especially in light of the current difficulties in finding quality candidates.

Speaker: Jackie Gomez-Whiteley, Senior Associate, Center For Public Safety Management, LLC, Washington,DC, Washington, DC
Speaker: Thomas Wieczorek, Director , Center For Public Safety Management, LLC, Washington,DC, Washington, DC

I’d Like to Thank the Academy

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

An academy program for residents can educate them about government structure and services, encourage respect and collaboration, and train tomorrow’s leaders. Share what’s worked and what hasn’t and reimagine the process beyond pizza and PowerPoints.

Innovation in Your Organization

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Is your organization using the latest tools and techniques to foster innovation in public administration and address complex problems? How can public servants across the globe sharpen their problem-solving skills? Learn about early findings of research on public sector learning conducted by one the nation's leading experts on innovation, who is also a 2018-2019 ICMA Local Government Research Fellow.

Interim Manager Exchange

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

A vacancy in the top slot in a municipality often results in a management void until a successor is named. Interim managers fill that space and are frequently seasoned former managers. This exchange is for previous or
current interim managers as well as those interested in serving in the role at some point in the future. Contracts, potential pitfalls, and best practices will be shared among attendees.

KUCIMAT Board Meeting

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

President's Colloquium: Resilient Leadership

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

We focus a great deal on resiliency in communities and organizations. Do we focus enough on ourselves? Consider how resiliency and leadership are related, and how we can better develop our capacity to rise above challenges we face personally and professionally.

Speaker: Reva Feldman, Malibu, CA
Speaker: Peggy Merriss, Secretariat, Georgia City/County Management Association, Decatur, GA
Facilitator: Karen Pinkos, City Manager, City of El Cerrito, El Cerrito, CA

Progress Report: Harvard Kennedy School, State and Local Government Program (HKS) Attendees

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Have you previously attended the Senior Executives in State & Local Government program at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and want to share some of your progress / best practices that you have implemented in your organization? This will be a great opportunity to share with other alumni the successes and lessons learned we have all encountered. It will also be another opportunity to touch base with the HKS alumni that have all had this incredible experience.

Student Chapter Meeting

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tips and Tricks for Teaching the Profession

Monday, October 21 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Do you feel the calling to teach? Do you want to promote the profession to a new generation of public management students, whether as a guest lecturer in a college classroom or as an adjunct or full-time faculty member in a graduate MPA program or a new online program? If so, join this informal discussion and share your experiences, exchange ideas, and learn where to find and how to use teaching resources. 5

Speaker: Robert Blair, Professor Emeritus of Public Administration and Urban Studies, University of Nebraska At Omaha, Omaha, NE
Speaker: Kimberly Nelson, Professor, University of Chapel Hill - School of Government, Chapel Hill, NC

Large Cities Executive Forum

Monday, October 21 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Reception

Monday, October 21 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Japan Local Government Center Reception

Monday, October 21 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

League of California Cities, Municipal Management Association of Northern California, Municipal Management Association of Southern California and Cal-ICMA Reception

Monday, October 21 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Ohio City/County Management Association Reception

Monday, October 21 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

National Forum for Black Public Administrators Managers’ Breakfast

Tuesday, October 22 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Registration Desk - Tuesday

Tuesday, October 22 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday General Session - Keynote Speaker: Bonnie St. John

Tuesday, October 22 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Keynote: Bonnie St. John, Leadership Consultant, Kingston, NY

Exhibit Hall - Tuesday

Tuesday, October 22 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

SEI Reunion

Tuesday, October 22 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Beyond Pensions: Not Just for Finance Directors

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

What do local managers and their staff need to know about new Government Accounting Standards Board efforts
regarding leases, debt disclosures, and fiscal stress signals?

Speaker: David Vaudt, GASB Chairman, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Norwalk, CT

Building a Culture of Conservation with Smarter Energy Management

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Energy is vital for building thriving communities—creating comfortable facilities, fostering community development and growth, and empowering residents. It’s hard to know all the ways your energy is wasted, but one thing is certain: energy is expensive. Opportunities to conserve energy and be a better steward of resources are everywhere. Imagine if you could manage your entire energy and utilities ecosystem from a single, unified dashboard. How much could your jurisdiction save? And what could you do with those savings? Presented by Dude Solutions.

Speaker: Luke Anderson, Applications Engineer, Dude Solutions , Cary, NC

Combat Loneliness, Improve Employee Health, Well-Being, and Productivity

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Loneliness can affect anyone at any point in life and is a topic that employers should address proactively as it can have a negative effect on workplace productivity and a person’s health. The workplace can serve as the foundation for improving vitality and reducing feelings of loneliness and starts by creating a culture of inclusion. Managers and leaders of organizations can lead the way by building connections with their employees and setting a cultural tone of relationship-building and inclusiveness in the office. Join this session to learn about what Cigna's Loneliness Study uncovered and steps you can take to combat loneliness in your workplace and improve your employees’ health, well-being and productivity. 4, 13

Speaker: Sandra Shaklan, Behavioral Clinical Account Manager, Cigna, Bloomfield, CT

Could It Be Your Turn? Being in Transition

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Any manager can be in transition if things go bad. This brutally honest session will be led by two managers and family members who survived. Learn the symptoms/red flags to watch for. How does being terminated affect my family? What did I do to contribute to the situation? What could I have done differently? 1,5

Moderator: James Bennett, City Manager, City of Biddeford, Biddeford, ME
Panelist: Toni Brown, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Panelist: Troy Brown, City Manager, City of Moorpark, Moorpark, CA
Panelist: Michele Meade, Deputy Director NJ Division of Local Government Services, State of New Jersey, Morristown, NJ

Finding True North in a Polarized World

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

We live in a disruptive time that presents us with complex issues, identity politics, fractured communities, and polarized politics. Come explore how personal values aligned with the profession’s high ethical standards will lead to True North. 1

Speaker: Kate Fitzpatrick, Town Manager, Town of Needham, Needham, MA
Speaker: William Fraser, City Manager, City of Montpelier, Montpelier, VT
Speaker: Opal Mauldin-Jones, City Manager, City of Lancaster, Lancaster, TX
Moderator: Martha Perego, Arlington, VA

How State-Based Organizations Are Tackling Gender Inequity Head-On

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Learn how the 16/50 Michigan Women’s Leadership Project and the NW Women’s Leadership Academy in Washington and Oregon are developing tomorrow’s female leaders, providing professional development for advancing women, and educating elected officials on gender bias and the business case for gender balance in organizations. 3

Speaker: Rachael Fuller, Hood River, OR
Speaker: Emily Kieliszewski, Member Programs Manager, Michigan Municipal League, Ann Arbor, MI
Speaker: Karen Lancaster, Ann Arbor, MI
Speaker: Kellye Mazzoli, Association Manager, Public Management Research Association, New Orleans, LA
Speaker: Kristi Rowland, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, City of Renton, Renton, WA

How to Be Family Friendly in the Workplace

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Jurisdictions that have successfully implemented paid parental leave, on-site childcare, lactation rooms, and other benefits/amenities for parents will present how they were successful, any obstacles, how funded. 3

Speaker: Ashley Jacobs, Deputy County Manager , Wake County Government, Raleigh, NC
Speaker: Edward Shikada, City Manager, City of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA
Moderator: Maya Williams, Assistant to the City Manager, City of El Cerrito, El Cerrito, CA

How Well Do You Know Your Community, Really?

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Local governments are challenged to overcome a variety of issues that face their communities, including social inequities, economic opportunity, infrastructure, and public safety. Understanding precedes action. Location intelligence accelerates understanding and helps local governments deploy tactics that make a difference. Presented by Esri.

Speaker: Richard Leadbeater, Global Manager: Government Trade Associations, Esri, Laurel, MD

Overcoming the Income Disparity in Youth Sports

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

A multitude of social and political factors, including cultural shifts and the defunding of school sports, have led to never-before-seen levels of inactivity and obesity in children in America, especially those who live in homes near or below the poverty line. Creating equity and inclusion for physical activity is critically important to the nation’s health. When children have limited access to sports and physical education in schools, our community parks and recreation assets need to step in to create free and reduced-fee play so that future generations develop physical literacy, inactivity rates drop, and these children reap the associated benefits. Presented by Sports Facilities Advisory | Sports Facilities Management.

Speaker: Dev Pathik, Founder & CEO, The Sports Facilities Companies, Clearwater, FL

Personal Strategic Planning

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Many of us have engaged in strategic planning for our local government organizations, but do we have a strategy for where we are going in life? Learn how a personal vision, mission and stated values can help you make better decisions, be more productive and lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

Speaker: Jay Kimble, City Manager, City of Prescott, Prescott, AZ

The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Solve Public-Sector Problems

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

The use of artificial intelligence(AI) has become a reality. With a shrinking public-sector workforce, tighter budgets, and the public’s increased demand for more efficient government, community leaders need to look to technology to tackle public issues. 11, 13

Moderator: Jane Christenson, Assistant County Executive Officer, County of Placer, Auburn, CA
Speaker: Eyal Feder-Levy, CEO & Co-Founder, Zencity, Tel Aviv-Yafo, ISRAEL
Moderator: Leslie Herring, Chief Administrative Officer/City Clerk, City of Westwood, Westwood, KS
Speaker: Debra Lam, Managing Director, Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation, Georgia Tech University, Pittsburgh, PA
Speaker: Scott Levens, Consultant _ Artifical Intelligence, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

This Is Your Future, Too! Engaging Everyone in Visioning

Tuesday, October 22 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Visioning and development inevitably encounter opposition from some residents, businesses, and neighborhoods. How do you balance affordable housing, gentrification, density, economic development, and preservation of community character? Move beyond NIMBY (not in my back yard) to engage all voices and build consensus about the community’s future. 

Speaker: Steven Downs, Assistant City Manager, City of Fate, Fate, TX
Speaker: Margaret Jensen, Deputy County Manager, County of San Mateo, Redwood City, CA
Speaker: Nancy Johnson, Punta Gorda, FL
Moderator: Christopher Senior, Town Manager, Town of Cohasset, Cohasset, MA

Partners’ Hot Topics Roundtable

Tuesday, October 22 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

This activity is free but requires preregistration. Socialize, network, and engage in roundtable discussions of issues facing partners and families of local government managers. This is an excellent opportunity to share insights and learn from and network with your peers. Partners will be invited to volunteer on an annual service project. Light refreshments provided. Open to all registered partners.

Calculating the Value of Parks: An Innovative Approach

Tuesday, October 22 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

One of the signatures of a vibrant, healthy community is a thriving parks and recreation system. Hear the story of Florida Recreation & Park Association’s work to a comprehensive tool for valuing the economic and health impacts of local parks and recreation assets.

Speaker: Felicia Donnelly, City Manager , City of Oldsmar, OLDSMAR, FL
Speaker: Evan Eleff, Executive Vice President, The Sports Facilities Companies, Clearwater, FL

Environmental Restoration, Ecosystems Services, and Community Revitalization

Tuesday, October 22 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Nature-based amenities are key contributors to community resilience and sense of place. Learn more about how communities around the Great Lakes have been able to measure the value of environmental restoration in a way that helped managers to optimize investments for social and economic good.

Speaker: Andrew Geller, Deputy National Program Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Washington, DC
Speaker: Anne Neale, EnviroAtlas Project Lead , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Research Triangle Park, NC
Speaker: Christina Pastoria, Economic Analyst , Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, Lansing, MI

Integrating Hazard Mitigation Plans with Water Quality and Nature-Based Approaches

Tuesday, October 22 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Integrating proactive nature-based solutions into water resource management and hazard mitigation plans empowers communities to balance competing priorities and limited resources to reduce risk associated with increased urban development and the growing threat of natural disasters. Hear how The City of Denton, TX, has collaborated with EPA and FEMA to achieve the co-benefits of hazard mitigation and water quality planning in the rapidly developing Denton County and Lewisville Lake Watershed.

Speaker: David Hunter, Director of Public Utilities, City of Enid, Enid, OK
Speaker: David Reazin, Physical Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 6PD-O, Dallas, TX

Women's State-Based Groups

Tuesday, October 22 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

2020 Census: Building Civic Engagement and Community Networks

Tuesday, October 22 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Educate, motivate, and activate your community through civic engagement, ensuring that in the Census 2020 Everyone Counts!  
San Mateo County, located between San Francisco and San Jose, California, has long been committed to
establishing meaningful relationships with their residents to encourage and enable civic engagement opportunities. The foundation of civic participation and leadership relies on trust built within our communities.  San Mateo
County Manager’s Office of Community Affairs will present a case study illustrating this commitment to civic engagement through their Census 2020 efforts.  The Office collaborates with community-based organizations,
faith groups and local grassroots leaders to empower their residents to stand up for the count and participate in Census 2020.  

Speaker: Emma Gonzalez, Community Affairs Director, County of San Mateo, Redwood City, CA
Speaker: Megan Gosch, Census Management Analyst, County of San Mateo, Redwood City, CA

Credentialing Q & A

Tuesday, October 22 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This session will provide an overview of the Voluntary Credentialing Program and offer an opportunity to ask questions.

Facilitator: Tom Lundy, ICMA Senior Advisor , ICMA/NCCCMA, Hickory, NC

Laying the Foundation: Fundamentals for First-Time Administrators and Managers

Tuesday, October 22 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Congratulations! You’ve landed your first position as a local government administrator. Now what? This session will provide an overview of the key building blocks to ensure that you’re on the road to success, including working with elected officials before, during, and after elections; establishing roles, responsibilities, and a team approach; and guidelines for effective communications with staff, residents, and other stakeholders.

Speaker: Randall Reid, ICMA's Southeast Regional Director , ICMA, Gainesville, FL
Speaker: Patricia Vinchesi, Conway, MA

Navigating Your Worst Day at Work: Response and Recovery from a Line of Duty Death

Tuesday, October 22 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Can you prepare for the unthinkable? Are you prepared to handle the media, community and staff response to the loss of life among your staff? Learn about what went well, what didn’t, ways to improve, and move forward from municipal managers who have been there.

Speaker: David Collinsworth, Westerville, OH
Speaker: Christa Dickey, Community Affairs Director, City of Westerville, Westerville, OH
Speaker: Kenneth Filipiak, City Manager, City of Mentor, Mentor, OH
Moderator: Cheryl Hilvert, Montgomery, OH

What to Do When Your Retail Recruitment Efforts Are Stuck

Tuesday, October 22 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Retail recruitment can be a long and frustrating process. If your retail development efforts have hit a roadblock, don’t give up! In this session, we will discuss practical steps you can take to help your staff troubleshoot your community’s development strategy and get back on track. Real-world examples from communities across the United States will be included throughout the presentation to provide inspiration as you lead your community to reach its economic development goals. 6, 7

Moderator: Chris Briggs, Senior Vice President, Buxton, Fort Worth, TX
Panelist: R. David, Program Director_Southern Virginia/GO Virginia Region 3, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, Culpeper, VA
Panelist: Lisa McCay, Senior Vice President of Sales, Buxton, Fort Worth, TX
Panelist: Steve Stuart, City Manager, City of Ridgefield, Ridgefield, WA

Innovation in the Fire and Rescue Services

Tuesday, October 22 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

ICMA and the Center for Public Safety Excellence have commissioned a report on possible approaches for increasing innovation in the fire and rescue services. Join this session to hear the preliminary findings and to share your thoughts on what the report has to offer for your community.

Moderator: Preet Bassi, Chief Executive Officer, Center for Public Safety Excellence, Inc., Chantilly, VA
Speaker: Randy Bruegman, Center for Public Safety Excellence, Inc., Madison, WI

Keynote Speaker Book Signing: Bonnie St. John

Tuesday, October 22 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Big Leaps with Small Budgets: Actionable Steps for Using Data to Increase Public Trust

Tuesday, October 22 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

A local government of any size can take immediate steps toward data-driven decision making and meaningful citizen engagement, even without a large budget. The city of Henderson, Nevada, provides an excellent illustration of creative data use that is accessible to all. Henderson’s innovative contribution to the community is its recognition that data is best utilized by those it affects the most, not just experts. Based on that understanding, the city has updated processes without retraining or hiring new staff. This session will explore Henderson’s successful projects, such as its custom internal and public-facing GIS applications (including crime search, watering groups, zoning, sex offenders, and HOAs), that allowed the city to implement new, more advanced software without drastically changing the internal processes that were already in place. Presented by Tyler Technologies.

Panelist: Bristol Ellington, City Manager, City of Shoreline, Shoreline, WA
Panelist: Laura Shearin, Henderson, NV
Moderator: Oliver Wise, Director, Socrata Data Academy, Tyler Technologies, Inc., Plano, TX

Exhibit Hall Tue AM Lunch

Tuesday, October 22 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Giving New Life to Old Records in Plymouth, Massachusetts

Tuesday, October 22 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Plymouth Massachusetts will be celebrating its 400th anniversary in 2020, bringing renewed interest to the town and its historic records. Register John R. Buckley of Plymouth County was determined to preserve historic records for generations to come and provide public access. Please join us as Register Buckley shares tips and strategies of how to manage an overwhelming volume of records and preserved them for future generations. All jurisdictions can benefit from this presentation and learn tips of how to deal with the volume of data that grows faster each day. Presented by Avenu Insights & Analytics.

Speaker: John Buckley, Register of Deeds, County of Plymouth, Plymouth, MA
Speaker: Ann Kirkbride, Senior Product Manager, Avenu Insights & Analytics, Centreville, VA

How New Technology Can Uncover Hidden Capacity in Your Local Government

Tuesday, October 22 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Traditional, largely Excel-driven budgeting and performance management systems make for inefficient processes and, frankly, waste time and taxpayer dollars. However, modern government technology greatly boosts efficiency and increases collaboration throughout the government. This session will demonstrate how innovative technology strategies have enabled local governments to save the equivalent of a full-time employee and more because of technology initiatives. Presented by OpenGov.

Moderator: Zac Bookman, CEO, OpenGov, Inc., Redwood City, CA
Speaker: Daniel Buffalo, Finance Director, City of Ukiah, Ukiah, CA
Speaker: Mark Welch, Solutions Engineer, OpenGov, Inc., Redwood City, CA

Coaching to Stay: Keeping Your Key Talent to Deliver their Best

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

What are you doing to engage, develop, and keep your best talent? Often, organizations only learn through exit interviews when it's too late. Discover and apply some proven coaching tools like "stay interviews" to connect with your performers. Experience how these conversations also revitalize you and your career.

Speaker: Frank Benest, ICMA Liaison, Next Generation Initiatives, Palo Alto, CA
Speaker: Don Maruska, Former Director, ICMA Coaching Program, Don Maruska & Company, Inc., Morro Bay, CA
Speaker: Nat Rojanasathira, Assistant City Manager, City of Monterey, Monterey, CA

Futurist Camp: Data Driven Approaches to Anticipating the Future of Your City

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

In this discussion, participants will join us in the first half of the strategic foresight process (aka “futuring”) by analyzing current trends facing local governments according to the impact those trends will have on local government in the next 20 to 40 years. They’ll work together to discuss the trends and sort the cards according to potential impact and how prepared we are to address that impact.

Get the Inside Scoop on Attending Harvard's Senior Executive Program

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

If you’re Interested in attending the Harvard Kennedy School Senior Executives in State and Local Government
program, grab your lunch and join us as we hear from past ICMA scholarship recipients. Learn more about the program’s leadership lessons, and hear about the personal and professional value of the Program. We’ll also thank ICMA Strategic Partners eCivis and The Ferguson Group for continuing to fund scholarships allowing our members to attend this amazing program.

Moderator: Norton Bonaparte, City Manager, City of Sanford, Sanford, FL
Panelist: Gregory Doyon, City Manager, City of Great Falls, Great Falls, MT
Panelist: Gayle Mabery, Clarkdale, AZ

How to Make Your Organization More LGBTQ Friendly

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Hear practitioners from local government talk about building organizational support, policies, and training to welcome all employees in the workplace. Practical examples and policies will be provided. You will not want to miss this interactive discussion!

Just Beyond the Campus

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

College communities face an ever-rotating student population and special challenges in engaging around and enforcing local codes in off-campus neighborhoods. International Town and Gown Association members and others will explore practical approaches to get results.

Speaker: Britany Waddell, Planning Director , Town of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Lunch and Learn: Managing Your Investments in a Period of Global Transition

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

While political uncertainty doesn’t necessarily translate into increased market volatility, the unknown effects of recently executed and impending policy on trade, interest rates (i.e. Federal Reserve leadership), regulatory relaxation and corporate tax reform have investors looking more intently at the dimensions of asset allocation within individual portfolios as well as their defined benefit and defined contribution programs. Please join ICMA-RC’s Chief Investment Officer and a panel of experts to learn how they view the current investment landscape and how they are managing portfolios in 2019 and beyond. Lunch will be provided. 5

Speaker: Erin Bigley, Senior Investment Strategist, Alliance Bernstein, Washington, DC
Speaker: Francis Sempill, Head of Client Service, Walter Scott North America, BNY Mellon Securities Corporation, Boston, MA
Moderator: Wayne Wicker, Senior Vice President & Chief Investment Officer, MissionSquare Retirement, Washington, DC

Making Sustainable Finance Sustainable

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

How can local governments integrate capital finance into their sustainability plans? Discuss how capital finance strategies can be structured and utilized to contribute to sustainability all the while improving overall stewardship and efficiency.

Small Town, Big Table: Interagency Coordination

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Particularly in a small community, the local government does not have the dominant viewpoint. Discuss how collaboration with school districts, chambers of commerce, non-profits, and other stakeholders can improve communication, planning, and results, and overcome siloed thinking and frustration.

Surviving Dysfunctional Councils

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

How can local government managers make the best out of working with dysfunctional councils? How do you move forward when your council/commission cannot agree, or even get along in many cases?  This roundtable will provide tips and tricks for bringing unity and cooperation to your council.

The Next Resilience Frontier: Small and Mid-Sized Cities

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Small and mid-sized communities are ripe with opportunities to address climate, economic, and social resilience. Discuss strategies across public and private sectors that can help smaller communities access tools, identify risks, develop plans, and implement programs that contribute to community resilience.

Will Autonomous Vehicles (AV) Stop at the Big-City Line?

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

This roundtable focuses on the infrastructure and policy changes needed in large, small and rural communities to become "AV-friendly."  We’ll discuss what AV manufacturers, tech companies, and TNCs are doing to ensure economic and AV digital continuity between municipalities.

Work Life Balance as a Single Professional

Tuesday, October 22 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Work life balance is slightly different as a single. Whether this may be claiming your time away from the office or explaining your job to individuals you meet. Join this discussion on how to find a healthy work-life balance as a single.

Local Government Management Fellows Alumni Q & A

Tuesday, October 22 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Franklin Main Street

Tuesday, October 22 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM

The city of Franklin has a lovingly preserved downtown that serves as both an economic hub and the community’s gathering place. Franklin’s downtown has been recognized by organizations such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the American Planning Association. Publications ranging from the New York Times to Rolling Stone have featured the city. The bus trip takes 30 minutes. $25

Waste to Fertilizer: BioSolids Treatment Plant

Tuesday, October 22 12:45 PM - 3:15 PMSold Out

The city of Nashville has adopted an environmental solution for solid disposal and a biosolid process that converts waste, producing high-grade reusable fertilizer pellets. Our hosts will also discuss how they capture gas and use it for running their plant. The bus trip takes 15 minutes. $25

European City Managers Networking Meeting

Tuesday, October 22 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Mobile Solutions Help Keep Office Doors "Open" and Lines Short

Tuesday, October 22 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

What are local government officials to do when lines are long and budgets are tight? Adding resources is not an option, yet citizen complaints about wait times continue to pile up. This was the challenge facing department of motor vehicle offices in several counties. A new mobile solution proved to be the answer. It allowed residents to renew their vehicle registrations from anywhere at any time, even during the implementation of a new system. Hear how it can be used by your local government to increase customer satisfaction, reduce office traffic, and solve unique challenges such as temporary office closures. Presented by NIC, Inc.

Speaker: Angela Fultz-Nordstrom, NIC, Inc., Olathe, KS

Partner Line Dancing (Partners Only)

Tuesday, October 22 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

State Secretariat Networking & Idea Exchange

Tuesday, October 22 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Using Technology to Understand Resident Feedback, Manage Crises, and Make Data-Driven Strategic Decisions

Tuesday, October 22 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The Key to Becoming a Data-Driven City:Using Technology to Understand Resident Feedback, Crisis Manage, and Make Data-Driven Decisions
Learn how the City of Fort Lauderdale, FL uses AI technology as an essential partner for understanding the silent majority, assessing resident sentiment on key issues, and building better policy and services. From hurricane preparedness to stadium demolitions, Chris Lagerbloom, City Manager of Fort Lauderdale, and Zencity, will highlight the range of powerful AI use cases and lessons learned.

Speaker: Luisa Agathon, Neighbor Support Manager, City of Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Speaker: Eyal Feder-Levy, CEO & Co-Founder, Zencity, Tel Aviv-Yafo, ISRAEL
Speaker: Roberto Hernandez, Assistant City Manager, City of Lakeland, Lakeland, FL

Capacity Building in Performance Management

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Whether you’ve got dedicated data analysis resources or not, capacity building is often a matter of leveraging staff and technology throughout the organization and among other stakeholders. Explore how to do that most effectively, from a performance culture to public engagement around open data.

Moderator: Alfred Ho, Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CHINA
Speaker: Rebecca Jackson, Chief of Staff/Chief Performance Officer, City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville, NC
Speaker: Elizabeth Goltry Wadle, Budget Officer, City of Wichita, Wichita, KS
Speaker: Michael Walters Young, Budget & Strategic Innovation Manager, City of Franklin, Nashville, TN

Decision Making during a Crisis

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

 On September 13, 2018, the over-pressurization of the low-pressure gas lines in a 5 square mile radius in the Merrimack Valley area of northeastern Massachusetts resulted in more than 130 fires, more than two dozen injuries, and at least one fatality. Learn how Merrimack Valley and the surrounding communities worked together to make critical and time-sensitive decisions to resolve this crisis.

Moderator: Sallie Ann Burnett, Spartanburg, SC
Speaker: Andrew Flanagan, Town Manager, Town of Andover, Andover, MA
Speaker: Andrew Maylor, Vice President, Chief Business Officer, Merrimack College, Peabody, MA

Lessons from Flint

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Gain insights from those who lived through the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, firsthand. This session will provide background on the challenges the city faced as well as how the city is moving the community forward after the disaster. 6, 9, 10

Speaker: Michelle De Haan, City of Park City, Park City, UT
Speaker: David Ready, Palm Springs, CA
Moderator: Chris Wilson, City Manager, City of Huntington Woods, Huntington Woods, MI
Speaker: William Wolfson, Chief Administrative and Compliance Officer, Great Lakes Water Authority, Detroit, MI

Open Mind Required: Facing the U.S. Identity Crisis on Immigration

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

The 2018 ICMA Local Government and Immigrant Communities survey showed that despite some language-related or cultural barriers, local governments continue to take steps to improve communication with immigrants in their communities and to engage with them on multiple levels. Learn strategies you can take back to your community. Co-sponsored by the Local Government Hispanic Network. 3.

Speaker: Carlos Baia, City Manager, City of Temple Terrace, Temple Terrace, FL
Speaker: Noel Bernal, County Manager, County of Adams, Brighton, CO
Speaker: Rolando Fernandez, Deputy Director, Convention Center, City of Austin, Buda, TX
Speaker: Maria Villagomez, Deputy City Manager, City of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX

Tuesday Featured Speaker: Kristen Cox

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Featured: Kristen Cox, Featured Speaker, Washington, DC

What Does It Take? Landing Leadership Positions

Tuesday, October 22 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

How can emerging leaders prepare early in their careers to move into top positions? This session will focus on the preferred skills and professional qualities sought by those making hiring decisions, internal and external factors affecting recruitment, and what can be done to assist women and people of color in achieving leadership positions. Cosponsored by the Local Government Hispanic Network and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. 1, 3, 5.

Speaker: Raymond Gonzales, President, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (MDEDC), Denver, CO
Moderator: Claudia Lujan, Human Resources Assistant Director, City of El Paso, El Paso, TX
Speaker: Heidi Voorhees, Founder, GovHRUSA/MGT, Northbrook, IL

Executive Search Summit

Tuesday, October 22 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Cities and Towns As Classrooms: Leveraging University Partnerships

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Do you ever feel that your community has untapped resources in nearby academic institutions? Hear how several local governments have leveraged university partnerships to further their sustainability goals while also building the capacity of universities as service providers and educators of the next generation of local government leaders. 2, 9, 10, 13

Speaker: Laura Allen, Budget Analyst 3, Department of Budget and Management, Baltimore , MD
Speaker: Jessica Barlow, Professor, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Speaker: Julia Glanz, Assistant Secretary for Strategic Initiatives, Department of Housing & Community Development, State of Maryland, Lanham, MD
Speaker: Marc Schlossberg, President, Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities - Network, Madison, WI

Community Cohesion through the Arts

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Allocating public funds for arts and culture comes with some political risk, but it can be transformative. Investing in public art, performance venues, or related nonprofits can lead to economic growth, define a sense of place, promote diversity, and bring a community together.

Moderator: Kenneth Filipiak, City Manager, City of Mentor, Mentor, OH
Speaker: Lauren Fitzgerald, Neighborhood & Artist Development Coordinator, Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan Government, Nashville, TN
Speaker: Alexis Hill, Arts, Culture and Special Events Manager, City of Reno, Reno, NV
Speaker: Jeffrey Mihelich, City Manager, City of Bozeman, Bozeman, MT

Emerging Regulatory Arenas: Governing for the Future

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

From ride sharing to e-scooters to cannabis sales and short-term rentals,communities have the opportunity to get out in front of emerging regulatory areas. A panel of experts will discuss these challenges and suggest possible solutions. 11

Speaker: Anuj Gupta, City of Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA
Moderator: Amy Hamilton, City Manager, City of Richmond Heights, Richmond Heights, MO
Speaker: David Maxwell, Senior Product Marketing Manager , Accela, Inc., San Ramon, CA

Everything You Wanted to Know about Cyber Risk (but Were Afraid to Ask!)

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

What if your municipality’s computers were locked down and you were asked to pay a $30,000 Bitcoin ransom? Scary, right? Tackle the complex topic of security in the public sector and learn about programs and gain knowledge for better security practices.

Speaker: Josh Fruecht, eGovernance Advisor, iCompass & BoardDocs, Diligent, Winter Garden, FL

Leading with Love: The Heart of Success

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

In today’s environment of fear and divisiveness, local government leaders would do well to replace that fear with a love-based culture. This session provides an overview of the tenets of Love-Based Leadership and evidence for its multifaceted organizational success. 1, 5

Moderator: David Burman, Township Manager, Township of Haverford, Haverford, PA
Panelist: Maria Church, Chief Executive Officer, Government Leadership Solutions, Scottsdale, AZ
Panelist: Robert Joseph, Director of Planning, Estes Park, CO
Panelist: Mari Rains, Orlando, FL

Making Government Work for All: Tools and Measures to Advance Equity

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Traditional performance management metrics used by local governments often mask indicators of social and economic inequities. Paying attention to how benefits and opportunities are distributed across all members of the community, including marginalized groups, can have important program and policy design implications. Join this interactive session to learn how local governments are using racial equity tools and measures to track and improve their performance.  

Speaker: Tanya Ange, County Administrator, County of Washington, Hillsboro, OR
Moderator: Benoy Jacob, Director, Community Development Institute, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Speaker: Julie Nelson, Director, Government Alliance on Race and Equity, New York, NY
Speaker: Victor Obaseki, Equity Officer, City of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Speaker: Stacy Stout, Director of Equity and Engagement, City of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI

Planning and Promoting Solar Energy

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Is your government doing their best for solar? Explore how local governments can set solar development goals, address “solar-ready” concepts, encourage commercial and residential solar participation, and capture benefits of solar development while minimizing risks.

Speaker: Kalee Whitehouse, Cadmus Group, Arlington, VA

The Balancing Act of Being a Parent and a Chief Executive

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

We all work hard to find the balance between our families and our careers.  Being a parent is a 24/7 job and being a Chief Executive is a 24/7 job.  How can you balance it all and be happy?  It is possible and we can do it by putting a few key practices into place.
Tamara Letourneau is the City Manager for the City of Laguna Niguel, California and Paul Letourneau is a manager for Trader Joe’s.  They also have two school age daughters.  Come hear how they achieve the balance and learn their tips for doing the same in your life.

Speaker: Tamara Letourneau, City Manager, City of Laguna Niguel, Laguna Niguel, CA

The Future of America's First Suburbs

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

For his 2018-2019 Local Government Research Fellowship, an ICMA member manager spent his spare time exploring indicators of suburban disinvestment and divergence. While the landscape was stark, it inspired recommendations to smaller local governments surrounding urban areas for reversing decline and revitalizing their communities.

Speaker: Thomas Carroll, City Manager, City of Lexington, Lexington, VA

The True Cost of Sustainability: Indirect Cost Maximization for Your Agency

Tuesday, October 22 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

How does indirect cost impact your organization? How do you calculate your indirect cost to assure your maximum reimbursement? eCivis will discuss a case study on indirect costs, different methods of calculating it, and what it means to grants.

Speaker: Nicolie Lettini, Vice President of Indirect Cost Services, eCivis Inc., Sacramento, CA

Credentialing Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 22 3:15 PM - 5:30 PM

First-Time Administrators Networking Session

Tuesday, October 22 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Join other first-time administrators for a networking session that will include support, humor, drinks and snacks. ICMA Regional Director Karen Daly will help you build your network and demonstrate that many things first-time administrators learn and do are not so different from each other.  Due to the interactive nature of this session, it is limited to the first 50 people.

Moderator: Karen Daly, Georgetown, TX

A Process For Public Trust: Case studies from Charlotte, Virginia Beach, and Skagit County, WA

Tuesday, October 22 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Through work with 75+ organizations in 26 different U.S. states, 5 building blocks have emerged that define a successful community engagement process. With a more streamlined, connected process, government organizations can build public trust and increase equitable participation across all projects and departments. This session will connect the dots on how this process leads to better outcomes for residents, city managers, and elected officials.

Speaker: Jay Dawkins, CEO, PublicInput.com, Raleigh, NC

Crowdsourcing Policy Using Resident Panels

Tuesday, October 22 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

As town halls and mainstream social media continue to lack representation from the community at large, governments often lose the opportunity to use the voice of residents in planning and policy analysis. The use of resident panels can provide an alternative way to collect feedback from a broader range of constituents and benefit from providing a larger range of voices in collective decision making.
In this lab, National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) and Polco will discuss the national trends in panel development and use, as well as provide the key methods in panel recruitment, retention and query.

Speaker: Michelle Kobayashi, Principal Research Strategist , National Research Center, Inc./Polco, Boulder, CO
Speaker: Nick Mastronardi, Chief Executive Officer, Polco, Middleton, WI

How the Federal Government Can Help Your Community Tackle the Opioid Crisis

Tuesday, October 22 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Over the past three years, three major bipartisan pieces of legislation were passed by Congress and signed into law to confront and address the nation’s widespread over-prescribing and abuse of opioids: the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-198); the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114-255); and the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (P.L. 115-271). How has this legislation, with numerous provisions involving law enforcement, public health, stricter oversight of opioid production and distribution, and healthcare financing and coverage, benefited local governments? What additional steps and policy changes can the federal government adopt to address the opioid epidemic and better assist local stakeholders?

Speaker: W. Roger Gwinn, CEO, The Ferguson Group, LLC, Washington, DC
Speaker: Jennifer Imo, Managing Partner for Client Services, The Ferguson Group, LLC, Washington, DC
Moderator: Zachary Israel, Principal, The Ferguson Group, LLC, Washington, DC
Speaker: Kristi More, Managing Partner for Strategic Development, The Ferguson Group, LLC, Washington, DC

Veteran Advisory Board

Tuesday, October 22 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday Evening Event: Wildhorse Saloon

Tuesday, October 22 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Spend the evening reconnecting with friends at this world-famous music and dance destination located in the heart of Music City’s entertainment district. Learn to line dance early, then hit the floor with an ’80s dance band to close the evening. Attendees will enjoy a full buffet dinner and drink tickets. Adults, $45; youth ages 6–16, $35; under 6 free. Price includes dinner, venue rental, entertainment, production, coordination, and gratuities.

Wednesday General Session - Keynote Speaker: Gina Rudan

Wednesday, October 23 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Keynote: Gina Rudan, Author and Cultural Alchemist, Washington, DC

Keynote Speaker Meet and Greet: Gina Rudan

Wednesday, October 23 11:05 AM - 11:45 AM

Are You Ready for Some Socratic Challenges and the Athenian Project?

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Two lines in the Athenian Oath sometimes get overlooked yet offer a very personal challenge to public servants, “We will never bring disgrace on this our City by an act of dishonesty or cowardice. We will fight for the ideals and Sacred Things of the City both alone and with many.” As individuals who have chosen a profession guided by ethical expectations, how do you find and use your voice at the local, state, or federal level to live up to the ideals encouraged within the oath and also expressed in its ending, “Thus, in all these ways, we will transmit this City not only, not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us." As part of the newly established Athenian Project, four important issues were identified and incorporated as “Socratic Challenges”: balancing the tension between personal and professional integrity; sociotechnical disruption; public service in the future; and continuous community building. Learn about the Athenian Project and join members of the inaugural project group for an interactive discussion about these important and challenging themes. Long-term members who want to enhance and energize their leadership legacy may find inspiration here. 1, 5, 6

Speaker: Kate Fitzpatrick, Town Manager, Town of Needham, Needham, MA
Speaker: Michael Land, City Manager, City of Coppell, Coppell, TX
Speaker: Peggy Merriss, Secretariat, Georgia City/County Management Association, Decatur, GA

Make Your Organization Veteran-Ready

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Geared toward management and HR leadership, you will discuss the best ways to engage and onboard veterans in your organizations and share ICMA’s experience accomplishing the PsychArmor Veteran-Ready Organization designation
and share other local government experiences.

Non-Cash Employee Benefits

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Without resorting to new annual appropriations, it’s still possible for local governments to offer benefits to their employees that can assist in recruitment and retention. Explore ways that low-cost policies and programs may be even more effective than pay-stub add-ons.

Redevelopment Ready Communities

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Over the last 25 years, communities have revitalized and redeveloped former commercial, industrial, and transportation sites for productive new uses. Local governments in partnership with the private sector, nonprofit groups, state and federal agencies, philanthropic entities and other stakeholders have transformed neighborhoods and jurisdictions through effective policies and programs. During this roundtable we’ll discuss the factors that can lead to redevelopment ready communities as well as the many challenges that more than a few places face in trying to redevelop their brownfield, vacant, or mothballed properties.

The MTAS Model: A Partnership with the Cities of Tennessee, the State, the Municipal League, and the University of Tennessee

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS), housed within the Institute for Public Service at the University of Tennessee, works one-on-one and face-to-face with the 345 municipalities in the state to provide training, research, and technical assistance. Learn how MTAS does this, how it is structured, and the benefits to cities. Participants will learn enough of the history to grasp how they might propose the model to their state. 8, 11

Speaker: Margaret Norris, Executive Director, UT-Municipal Technical Advisory Service, Knoxville, TN

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Solving Public Sector Problems

Wednesday, October 23 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Following up on Tuesday’s session (October 22, 2019 –9:45-10:45 am) on this same topic, attendees will have an opportunity to informally discuss how AI technology will impact how local governments will do business in the future. Join us to share your ideas!